I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that a laptop running Windows 8.1 suddenly rebooted by itself and started "Upgrading Windows" without the user's consent. But enough of the background/rant.
After installation finished, it now shows "The legal stuff", which gives the options Back, Decline and Accept buttons.
Since this upgrade is an unwanted one, I was wondering what would happen if the user chose the Decline option, would it subsequently revert back to Windows 8.1?
Even if it does not revert upon declining, after installing you be able to revert back easily based on the instructions outlined here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-windows_install/revert-back-to-windows-7-from-windows-10/c118f7ab-d4a8-40bf-9029-0488e62ab6e5?auth=1
– TheKB – 2016-05-21T10:21:37.937Try it and see what happens? – DavidPostill – 2016-05-21T10:30:59.130
@DavidPostill now I would've loved this laptop to be a VM where I could "try" all the options and be able to revert back to exactly the state the machine is in now. But Microsoft's decision to force upgrades on their users doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that I won't regret this "try" later. – FriendFX – 2016-05-21T10:38:47.500
@FriendFX As per the other comment you can always revert (within 30 days). – DavidPostill – 2016-05-21T10:39:38.377
@DavidPostill do you have experience with that? Will all the data and installed programs etc. be still in their original state? – FriendFX – 2016-05-21T11:01:19.810
@FriendFX Sorry, no. I've got the Windows. 10 update completely blocked here - I'm staying on Windows 7 – DavidPostill – 2016-05-21T11:08:02.100