Is it possible to search inside PHP files using the Windows search engine (W7)?


I'm using windows 7.

I have hundreds of PHP files inside a folder, and I want to find all the files that contains a particular word.

I know that the Windows search engine is able to search inside a file, but this feature only works on some very common extensions (like TXT, JS...).

Is it possible to search inside a file with other extensions? (without using any third-party software)

Someone resolved this problem in Indexing Options -> Advanced Options, but on my PC the Advanced button is grayed out:


Pascal Goldbach

Posted 2016-05-20T08:27:26.327

Reputation: 123



Using the Command Prompt you can use findstr which will search for ASCII characters within any files.

FindStr Microsoft Technet

Example syntax would look like this:

FINDSTR /i /S foobar *.*

This Will return all occurances of the word foobar in all current folders & subfolders regardless of casing


Posted 2016-05-20T08:27:26.327

Reputation: 795