FileZilla View / Edit Keyboard Shortcut (or hotkey) to open file in System Editor


Right now, I just want to open file from server in system default editor.

I can right-click and View/Edit Context Menu and it works.

how do i create hotkey shortcut to view/edit file in local editor?

That is just to truckin' slow because I'm a power level 9000 user!. I hunted down the wiki keyboard shortcut page but I was thinking, "maybe someone forgot to update this page".

Uncle Iroh

Posted 2016-05-19T00:15:40.210

Reputation: 193



Solution 1

Select the file, then

  1. Click the context menu key,
  2. followed by the V key.

enter image description here

The context menu key is this one:

enter image description here


Solution 2 with AutoHotkey

If installing AutoHotkey is an option, here is another way.

Use this script:

#IfWinActive ahk_class wxWindowNR   ; Only run when FileZilla has focus
v::                                 ; Set "v" for "view" as the keyboard shortcut 
Send {AppsKey}                      ; Press the "context menu" key
Sleep 100                           ; Give the context menu time to appear
Send v                              ; Press v for "View/Edit"

Afterwards, select a file, then

  1. click V.


Posted 2016-05-19T00:15:40.210

Reputation: 1 569

thanks buddy for the idea! that's a good way to speed things, but just not efficient enough to remember. still faster to manually click 3 extra times imho. – Uncle Iroh – 2016-05-22T05:53:32.407

@MaggewDotCom I've added another solution. – Lernkurve – 2016-05-22T14:00:40.363