Play cable TV server content from PC


I am renting this DLNA-enabled set-top box from my cable TV provider.
This documentation mentions it is able to stream TV content to my PC (sorry, only available in Japanese, search "別の部屋のテレビやパソコンで再生して楽しむことができます").
I am indeed able to watch content via my smartphone using this application.

If I can play content from my smartphone, I believe I can similarly play content from my laptop. Programs such as VLC and Windows Media Player indeed show the server in the list of available.
With Windows Media Player, I can even see the list of available programs. However, trying to play any of them only gets me a message for error C00D119D ("metafile playlist isn't valid").

Is there any software or specific setting that I can use to play content from my DLNA set-top box on my PC?


Posted 2016-05-15T01:34:15.117

Reputation: 5 155

Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve. Share your research. Here are a few suggestions on how to properly ask this type of question. – Ron Maupin – 2016-05-15T02:36:08.540

My guess is that is not allowed due to licensing reasons/piracy/etc. The cable TV provider should be able to control this. – user3169 – 2016-05-15T03:35:51.687

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