Error in converting color pdf into grayscale pdf in Linux - 'File has errors...'


I have been trying to convert a color pdf to a grayscale pdf prior to printing to avoid the color printing costs. I am using Debian and ImageMagick commands:

convert -monochrome swp574.pdf output2.pdf

convert -colorspace GRAY swp574.pdf swp574GRAY.pdf

pdf2ps swp574.pdf output2.pdf

and I get this response on the terminal each time.

File has circular references in resource dictionaries.
**** File has circular references in resource dictionaries.

**** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored.
**** Please notify the author of the software that produced this
**** file that it does not conform to Adobe's published PDF
**** specification.

How can I get over this problem?


Posted 2016-05-13T02:26:40.437

Reputation: 1 389

@hkdtam, i did and used those commands, but there is a problem with the pdf internals for the correctness of the Adobe pdf formatting – Vass – 2016-05-13T14:02:27.153

thanks for your feedback, did you mean the ghostscript solution in the link cause problems? – hkdtam – 2016-05-13T16:54:05.490

@hkdtam, those commands in the question did not work and neither did the gs commands work. Something in the pdf caused the problem. – Vass – 2016-05-15T08:08:57.657


It seems that you are dealing with some very special stuff here. If it is not a sensitive document you may try your luck at here

– hkdtam – 2016-05-15T19:51:33.310

@hkdtam, tried it without any success... – Vass – 2016-05-17T09:23:53.297

Oh I see, actually the file is that broken I guess you may just save your time by reprinting it on Windows with grayscale using a PDF printer driver like pdfcreator. Just have a look on the last section of this link

– hkdtam – 2016-05-17T10:24:49.973

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