How to restart or reload Dovecot via doveadm


I'm looking for a command able to either restart/reload or if dovecot is not running, starting Dovecot to activate changed configuration triggered by external, non-interactive tool.


Posted 2016-05-11T16:09:37.367

Reputation: 666


1 tells:

doveadm reload - in 14.04 the initscript was removed for not understandable reasons.


Posted 2016-05-11T16:09:37.367

Reputation: 323

This is really a comment and not an answer to the original question. – DavidPostill – 2017-06-01T11:55:19.680


When dovecot has been installed some OS-specific shell-scripts are installed too. Most unix-like OSes have startup script that can accept an argument like start|stop|restart|reload. For linuxes that script usually reside in the /etc/init.d/ catalog. Find it and look inside for further ideas.


Posted 2016-05-11T16:09:37.367

Reputation: 499

Ubuntu 14.04 is not having these. – frlan – 2016-05-11T19:33:15.050

1sudo service dovecot restart should be proper way for ubuntu. – Kondybas – 2016-05-11T19:36:35.313

Should, but not doing. If's not running it fails. – frlan – 2016-05-12T07:36:31.910