Volume hot keys: How can I configure the number of volume-steps on Debian?


I have a good DAC and a strong amplifier. I use Debian and sometimes I just can't get the volume gain to be as I wish to using the hot keys. I've noticed that each time I hit them, the volume increases or decreases 6%.

How can I change this percentage to say 1% ?

this solution is not possible on Debian.


Posted 2016-05-11T00:44:28.843

Reputation: 244


Related to the non-working solution, it appears to now be hardcoded for whatever reason in two commits in 2010. According to this wonderful bug report (and some of the related threads/comments), it seems that this is unlikely to change due to developer arrogance. This thread should offer a suitable solution.

– Thebluefish – 2016-05-11T05:15:04.070

Thanx a lot for the info! To read the comments is really amusing ^_^ (except for the fact that there is no solution yet!) I wonder id this is solvable in a non-Gnome-Debian? Do you know if something like that exists? – scjorge – 2016-05-12T00:47:37.437

It entirely depends on the distro. No reason a different distro can't implement it in a different way. The sure-fire way to know is to check source code, or rely on third party tools to provide the desired functionality. I am not familiar with non-Gnome Debian, what exactly are you using instead of Gnome? – Thebluefish – 2016-05-12T03:58:31.687

I am using Gnome and it is my 1st time on Debian - only personal use... I recall seeing KDE-Debian somewhere... – scjorge – 2016-05-12T05:14:26.760



I've not yet found a way to configure exactly what I want, but by now I do have a workaround:

I installed the alsa-tools package: "A collection of console-based utilities for specific sound hardware". When I open it thorough terminal and press F3 I can control the volume gain with the vertical cursor keys and with each strike I change 1% of the gain! :)

So, my hot-key-combination is Alt+Tab (to the terminal window with AlsaMixer) + Up (or Down) for a 1% volume change.


Posted 2016-05-11T00:44:28.843

Reputation: 244