How do I exit listbox in Total Commander


I love that I can feed all the search results in Total Commander to listbox. This means that the files appear in the previously selected file window and I can perform various operations on all of them at the same time.

However, getting back to the previously selected directory is always difficult. By trial and error, I found that I have to select a different disk drive and then go back to the directory. If I simply switch to another tab and then back, the results are still there, which is pretty annoying as I very often use tab switching to return to a favourite directory.

Is there a proper way to exit the listbox?


Posted 2016-05-04T22:28:33.227

Reputation: 1 208



Any of the following will perform the Go Back action in a Total Commander listbox:

  1. Press Alt+Left Arrow
  2. Select the Go Back item in the Commands menu.
  3. Press the Browser Back on a multimedia keyboard.
  4. Press the Broswer Back on the mouse.

NOTE: To get back to exactly where you were before the search, perform a Go Forward action. It is not in the menu. Press Alt+Right Arrow, the Browser Forward key, or Browser Forward mouse button.


Posted 2016-05-04T22:28:33.227

Reputation: 24 804

Any option which does not change the directory from which I came? Because these commands get me either one level higher in the directory structure or to some completely different place if I switched disks before searching. – JohnEye – 2016-06-15T15:34:40.943

@JohnEye Try a Go Forward action after the Go Back action. See edited NOTE in answer for details. – Steven – 2016-06-15T15:49:38.797

I know this trick, but I was wondering if there was a way to do it without this side effect. – JohnEye – 2016-06-15T16:14:30.557