How to write content on another site with jQuery


I need some kind of technology/tool in order to write content on another website.
I know that Ajax alows me to retrive content, but wont work for me.
The technology/tool needs to access the url, type the login/passoword, get the response, and then input some text and click one button.
Is there a way to do this with jQuery?


Posted 2016-05-04T15:25:08.240

Reputation: 125



jQuery is just a JavaScript framework, which doesn't bring anything special itself. The things which you are talking about - are regular HTTP requests, done via AJAX through JS.

Your purpose is not clearly defined in the question.

In case you need to emulate customers behavior - you may use tools alike QA-dudes use for web browser automation, alike Selenium.

It seems you don't really understand what is jQuery, Ajax, HTTP-auth, and other terms, so you chosen the wrong direction of investigation. Use ready made tools, without programming. Or if you know the deal - then such questions wouldn't pop-up here.

You may start your investigation from understanding how HTTP works, what is POST and what is GET HTTP request, how to make them via curl, what is AJAX, etc.


Posted 2016-05-04T15:25:08.240

Reputation: 170

ok, I have a VBA macro that does the actions I need. But some user on my job dont have Excel, and cant install others browsers and addons. Thats why I wanted to have my solution with jQuery. – Lugarini – 2016-05-04T20:06:13.263

@thiago, it's strange way of using VBA and jQuery, but probably you understand why you choose these tools. You may try to convert your VBA macro to VBScript, which is natively supported on Windows

– Farside – 2016-05-04T20:21:36.263