How to remote shutdown a win XP machine from linux?


How do you remotely shutdown an XP host from a linux machine? I know that you can use

shutdown /s /f /m \IP_GOES_HERE

From windows, but how would you do that from linux? (wine does not port the shutdown command)


Posted 2010-02-10T22:32:41.453

Reputation: 2 206



psshutdown doesn't work from wine for some reason.


net rpc shutdown -I -U username%password

works if all the proper steps have been taken


Posted 2010-02-10T22:32:41.453

Reputation: 2 206


Does the psshutdown tool from SysInternals (nor part of MS) work under Wine? Probably not, but might be worth a try.

Failing that you could install cygwin's OpenSSH port (or some other SSH server service) and use that to login and call Windows' own local shutdown command - this would be a one line command/script.

David Spillett

Posted 2010-02-10T22:32:41.453

Reputation: 22 424

I'm playing with psshutdown now! – brice – 2010-02-10T22:47:52.760

And it doesn't seem to work form wine – brice – 2010-02-11T00:49:12.483


I used the psshutdown, but had a different method. I had Outlook open on the machine 24/7 and if it received an email from my email account only, with a random set of words in it, the rule would run psshutdown

you could try this you could even use this mthod to shiut the computer off from a text message! :)


Posted 2010-02-10T22:32:41.453

Reputation: 232


If you create a shortcut link to this from the windows machine you can simply do it that way.

Put this in the Target text box: C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe -s -f -c "Shutdown!" -t 10

Put this in the Start in text box: C:\Windows\System32


Posted 2010-02-10T22:32:41.453

Reputation: 1 365