I'm under Windows 10 x64, and my problem is that when I insert a removable device (a smartphone) a Bluetooth related shortcut is created inside the SendTo folder (at C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
) ...even if I remove that shortcut, next time will be created again, and again, and again ...always the same dumb behavior of Windows.
That is one of the most annonying things that I can see, because I use custom shortcuts and I don't want to have an additional "Bluetooth" shortcut that I will never use, and also it increases x3 the width of the SendTo's contextmenu because the name of that damn shortcut is very more large (in my O.S language) than the other names of the other custom shortcuts I have in that folder.
My question is simple, how I could prevent Windows from creating the Bluetooth shortcut anymore?.
Please note that if the solution implies group policies usage, then I need the exact registry value that is set when applying that policy to be able reproduce the policy via regedit, instead of using the group policy manager user-interface.
Do you have Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth® Technology installed, per chance? This might be adding the 0-byte Bluetooth shortcut.
– w32sh – 9 years agoJust go to settings > Devices > Bluetooth and turn it off. The short cut remains, but when you take it there are no devices available. – simon at rcl – 9 years ago