How to conveniently save a plain image in GIMP?


Ever since the move to first class image editing file formats, it is always a pain when I am 100% sure I want to just crop one image and not care about it.

I have already copied it and don't want the program to be careful for me.

Is there any way to write a script and assign a keyboard shortcut in GIMP to:

  1. Export as the original format (same as I already can do with Ctrl+E)
  2. Write to the same filename (Enter?)
  3. Accept the same compression as the source (Enter again, assuming the dialog takes the source image compression into consideration.  If not, I don't think I care much about that one...)
  4. Confirm overwrite (Enter)
  5. Allow me to close the image pane without annoying me with the "discard changes" option (Alt+D after closing the image Ctrl+W, which I may not want to do just now)

I already know the developers do not want to do this as a first class feature; beats me to why... that's why I am asking for a script: because pressing 20 keys in a mind-numbing way is getting ridiculous.

I think I can work a script myself, except for the "mark this as not changed" in step 5. It would be really nice if I could close the image at a later time (after that same-file-export) and not be bothered with the discard changes dialog, but I can't imagine how to achieve that specific step. Something like dirty buffers in VIM...?


Posted 2016-04-30T08:26:40.937

Reputation: 3 392



I found the GIMP Saver Plugin that does exactly that and a little more.

I mapped it to Ctrl+E.  Now Ctrl+E just saves the plain image and I'm done!  perfect!  I left Ctrl+Shift+E to "Export as", which is the only one I use anyway.

It is perfect for those times when you have to visually tweak a dozen JPEGs and you can't just use ImageMagick.


Posted 2016-04-30T08:26:40.937

Reputation: 3 392

1Yes - that is form Akkana Peck - when using the GIMP from scripts, it is indded a single call that has to be made (to gimp-file-save - for backwards compatibility purposes internally that had not even changed the name to 'export') -- Akkana's plug-in can have some other niceties - like marking the image as "clean" so GIMP won't complain about it not being saved as an XCF onimage close, and so on. – jsbueno – 2016-05-02T13:55:52.353