Raspberry PI periodic connection to the Internet when required


So, I'm looking to use a Raspberry Pi to log into the FON network, but I don't want it to be permanent, only when requested by a NEST central heating controller.

I think 'in the old days' this was the normal process for dial-up systems, but is no longer the case for permanently connected world.

The reason being that only one user (at a time) can use the BT FON account.

Thanx in advance


Posted 2016-04-20T12:50:48.403

Reputation: 1

Try this question as a starting point? http://superuser.com/questions/802448/automate-btwifi-login-using-a-fon-account

– Kinnectus – 2016-04-20T13:04:03.183

2What's the question here? – a CVn – 2016-04-20T13:12:41.960

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