curl command not found on OSX El Cap


My understanding is that curl should be installed. I had tried using curl from the Unix command line and got the message it could not be found. I'm wondering If something I did in efforts to clean up my bash PATH has detached access to curl (and apparently sed)? The other theory I had was that the security "enhancements" for Yosemite have broken an earlier installation of curl.

machine-name:~ myusername$ curl -h
/usr/local/bin/curl: line 61: X/usr/local/bin/curl: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/curl: line 61: /usr/local/bin/sed: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/curl: line 65: /usr/local/bin/sed: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/curl: line 125: /usr/local/bin/curl: error: `/Users/myusername/.libs/curl' does not exist: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/curl: line 126: This script is just a wrapper for curl.: command not found
See the libtool documentation for more information.

$ echo $PATH

I had tried to move usr/local/bin to the "front of the line" on the bash path, thinking this was the preferred location for system software. If I execute locate curl the output goes on for pages and I also get:

machine:~ myusername$ which curl

Although I get a man page with $curl -h attempting to get a version fails:

$usr/bin/curl -V
-bash: usr/bin/curl: No such file or directory

This is probably reflective of my Unix-noob gaps in knowledge about how to examine and manage links to executables. When I use the Finder/GetInfo facility on that file I see it called a Unix executable. The line that says error: "`/Users/myusername/.libs/curl' does not exist: No such file or directory" is particularly puzzling to me. I'm hoping someone can offer me some hints as to the proper command line tools to restore curl functionality to my command line.

This is occurring on an early 2008 MacPro running OSX 10.11.4(15E65).


Posted 2016-04-18T18:52:51.367

Reputation: 123

What happens when you type: /usr/bin/curl -h ? – fd0 – 2016-04-18T19:05:06.583

I get a man page. So does this mean I should move /usr/bin/ in front of usr/local/bin in my path? What process does the which command use to determine where an executable is to be found? – BondedDust – 2016-04-18T19:16:41.840

And $usr/bin/curl -V returns: -bash: usr/bin/curl: No such file or directory – BondedDust – 2016-04-18T19:39:59.027

Got it. Thanks. I'd upvote/check if posted as an answer. – BondedDust – 2016-04-18T20:24:34.080



Curl isn't a shell script (see line 126 in the error output) and without knowing how /usr/local/bin/curl was installed, I suggest you move (rename) the script until you can sort out how it was installed.


Posted 2016-04-18T18:52:51.367

Reputation: 1 222

using sudo mv /usr/local/bin/curl /usr/local/bin/oldcurl and restarting the shell allowed everything to work as desired without changing the PATH, although still think I should put /usr/bin/ at the head of the line. – BondedDust – 2016-04-18T20:34:59.530