Cannot install IE11 on Windows Embedded Standard 7



I have downloaded the 'full' installer for IE11 (IE11-Windows6.1-x64-en-us.exe).

The page here lists prerequisties that are required to install IE11:

I have installed all of the updates on this page that are applicable to WES7. When I run the installer, it tries to do some stuff, then comes up saying

Internet Explorer needs an update before installing. Go online and install the required update, then return to the Internet Explorer installation page and run setup again.

When I click the Get Update button, surprise surprise, it directs me to the previous page I linked! The one with the list of updates I've already installed!

How can I install IE11 on WES7?


Even in IE11_main.log file, it says it is trying to download 3 update packages that are already installed.

The actual log details:

00:21.279: INFO:    Launched package installation: C:\Windows\SysNative\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE15CA.tmp\KB2670838_amd64.CAB /quiet /norestart
00:35.350: INFO:    Process exit code 0x800B0100 (-2146762496) [No signature was present in the subject. ]
00:35.350: ERROR:   Error installing prerequisite file (C:\Windows\TEMP\IE15CA.tmp\KB2670838_amd64.CAB): 0x800b0100 (2148204800)
00:35.381: INFO:    PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
01:02.947: INFO:    Link clicked, opening URL in new window:''
01:03.009: INFO:    Setup exit code: 0x00009C57 (40023) - Prerequisites failed to install.


Posted 2016-04-18T14:42:56.853

Reputation: 254

In an elevated command prompt type WMIC QFE LIST FULL and hit enter, be sure those hotfixes are in the generated list. – Moab – 2016-04-18T15:16:58.573

Unfortunately that returns No Instance(s) Available. I may not have some required package in WES7 that allows this to enumerate update packages or something. The updates are listed in Programs and Features Windows Update list. – pay – 2016-04-18T15:27:02.680

They can show up in the programs list but not be installed properly, I would try to reinstall all of them just to check they installed properly. – Moab – 2016-04-18T15:47:19.333

Ok I'll try that, for now I've edited in the actual log information. – pay – 2016-04-18T15:49:04.907

Actually, that particular update it's failing on KB2670838_amd64.CAB isn't actually an applicable update for WES7... – pay – 2016-04-18T15:53:29.790

Yes but IE11 needs it, there is the problem... – Moab – 2016-04-18T17:19:06.697

Right but that's an M$ problem. That package is meant for a full install of Windows 7, not an Embedded version, so the installer is clearly not correctly identifying which packages are suitable for the OS its running on. I've asked on M$ forums as well to see what they say – pay – 2016-04-18T17:48:09.407

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