Windows 10 - MEMORY_MANAGEMENT bsod on startup after installing linux dual boot


I recently installed a Kali linux dual boot on my laptop, and now every time i try to boot into windows, it crashes with a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error before it even reaches the login screen.

I've already searched for solutions on the internet but they all involve tools that are part of windows itself, so I can't use them. I have also tried using a recovery drive and a windows install usb, but those also crashed with the same error before I was able to do anything.

I thought it was a RAM issue at first, but a BIOS RAM test found no errors and linux runs perfectly fine, so i'm pretty sure the installation screwed up my boot partition somehow.

My laptop is a Dell Latitude 7350


Posted 2016-04-13T22:48:37.353

Reputation: 1

boot to Linux and run memtest86+ – magicandre1981 – 2016-04-14T04:24:59.557

See if the Tools from Here can help you out. Rescatux may help you fix it if its a problem with booting it can help you repair grub and fix windows which may be the issue here.

– NetworkKingPin – 2016-04-14T05:02:21.117



I have dual boot on my pc and windows crashes if I reboot from ubuntu and choose windows 10 in grub. But it works fine if I shut down ubuntu completly and turn on computer again. I hope it will help you.


Posted 2016-04-13T22:48:37.353

Reputation: 1

1Does it crash with the same error message? – bertieb – 2017-02-18T16:11:40.810