My computer is extremely very very slow


I've bought a new computer. It is supposed to be a recent, last-generation PC (Apple imac 21,5" last generation, first model).

The OS takes 2 minutes to load - 1 minute for the logon screen and 1 minute for load the desktop. Visual studio takes about 44 seconds to launch. Netbeans takes about 28 seconds.

What can I do to improve the performance?


Posted 2016-04-11T20:50:27.310

Reputation: 1

What is the make and model of the computer that you bought? – Narzard – 2016-04-11T20:54:44.307

Apple imac 21,5" last generation, first model – user581734 – 2016-04-11T20:55:17.743

If Visual Studio is taking 44 seconds to launch, that is an indication, that Windows is taking a majority of that time waiting on the storage device. – Ramhound – 2016-04-11T20:57:21.947

Those speeds sound about right if you got the bottom-of-the-range model with a slow i5 & an HDD. SSD would make a lot of difference, even on a slow machine. – Tetsujin – 2016-04-12T07:40:34.700

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