Cannot ssh from host to guest os in Virtual Box


I have a windows machine with virtual box installed. I have ubuntu VM within the virtual box. If I setup my vm's network to use NAT, and setup port forwarding to forward from my localhost to the 10.x.x.x IP of the VM, i can ssh into the vm from my windows.

ssh uname@localhost

If I setup the VM's network to use Bridged Adapter(i.e. the VM is seen as another computer within the existing network), I cannot ssh into it from windows. However, if I create another linux vm using Bridged adapter, can ssh between vms using IP address from the bridged adapter.

my question is, why can't i ssh into any of my VM using Bridged adapter?

Is the traffic blocked at switch level? But I can't really confirm this. I have tried the following with no luck

  • adding ip from the vm and port to proxy exception in Internet explorer(i'm behind proxy)
  • telneting to VM_IP
  • Running tracert. ICMP is blocked on the network. won't work
  • all the tcp ping or tcp traceroute tools i have required elevated installation, which I don't have access
  • no outgoing firewall restriction is enabled.


Posted 2016-04-05T17:16:56.003


Another possibility is network MTU; see the "VPN MTU limit breaks ssh connection" thread.

– Castaglia – 2016-04-05T17:27:49.973

Usually it's a missing or misconfigured route. Can you add interface config and routing table of both hosts? – ott-- – 2016-04-05T19:28:13.977

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