LInux: How do I diagnose / isolate what's causing "random" hangs and spontaneous reboots?



(originally posted on serverfault)

So, rather than guessing just what the cause is (though my money's on the nvidia drivers), where do I start looking to pin down some facts?

I've been through /var/log on several occasions but there's a LOT of stuff in there and I can't (yet) spot the important bits.

Background: The Short Version

I moved from WinXP to Ubuntu Karmic just after it became available.

Since then I have had a series of seemingly random crashes that manifest as either:

  • a spontaneous reboot
  • a complete lockup with my USB keyboard and mouse becoming unresponsive (right down to he LEDs all turning off). Also I will typically be unable to ssh to the box when this happens.

I've done plenty of searching and Nvidia seems to be the prime suspect but I have no idea where to start looking to work out just what the real cause is.

A serverfault user suggested checking the RAM with MemtextX86+. No errors found. Monitoring video card temperature has also been suggested, which I'm looking into now.

Other than than, suggestions anyone?

Background: The Long Version

At times, I can go an entire week without a crash then have 5 in 2 days.

Motivated by the desire to eliminate possible suspects, I've made a few changes over time to no avail:

  • Originally I used KVM for virtualization, I now use VirtualBox OSE
  • I had NFS running in the kernel but now use Samba
  • I was using Compiz but have since turned that off
  • I've rolled from 64-bit Karmic to 32-bit (for other reasons as well)
  • I've tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu. Same trouble each time (although of late it seems to be more frequent in Gnome than in XFCE).
  • I rolled the Nvidia driver from version 185 back to version 96 (NVIDIA Linux x86 Kernel Module 96.43.13 Thu Jun 25 18:42:21 PDT 2009). This seems to have reduced the frequency of error.

In terms of what's running at the time, this can vary. The following are common but were not necessarily running for every crash:

  • Firefox 3.5
  • VirtualBox OSE with 1 or 2 Windows XP VMs
  • Skype
  • Rhythmbox or Exaile

My hardware is 2 - 3 years old:

  • Core 2 Duo 6300
  • 4GB RAM
  • some breed of Intel motherboard of that vintage
  • an Asus dual-head video card with Nvdia GeForce 7300 GS chipset
  • 2 x SATA HDDs
  • dual monitors (hence I rely on the proprietary nvidia drivers)

I've been keeping current with my system updates.

Hopefully the data above might prompt someone to suggest a specific type of log or config that would be worth investigating.

Update 1

just had a crash in which the speakers went nuts. Did some googling and it seems PulseAudio has had a few issues in the past. Not sure yet if this is relevant but PulseAudio will have been running every time I had a crash.

Update 2

Following @CarlF's link to the Debian Sysadmin Guide has lead me to the magic sysrq key which I shall try at the next crash. Not that this'll give me much clues as to the cause but at least I'll hopefully be able to shutdown gracefully.

Update 3

lm-sensors reports my GPU running at nearly 70C / 158F - interesting. If I had to guess I'd say this is an important clue.

Update 4

Hit the insides of the system with an airduster shortly after my last update - net result: only one crash since then. I'm gonna call this a thermal problem.


Posted 2010-02-07T22:57:22.670

Reputation: 895

3Excellent formatting and background information, I wish all questions were like this. +1. – John T – 2010-02-07T23:02:10.393



There's good advice from the Debian Administrator's Guide here:


Posted 2010-02-07T22:57:22.670

Reputation: 8 576

Interesting to see what they have to say about non-informative logs being a sign of real hardware trouble. I've a six hour gap between last /var/log/message entry and the reboot. Hmmmm. – LRE – 2010-02-08T19:27:17.590

accepted on the grounds that the link made it clear that nothing in the logs equals hardware problem - lead me in the right direction. – LRE – 2010-03-10T01:51:05.973


The first thing you may want to check if there are hardware problems during boot. The bootup process will log data from the kernel ring buffer into /var/log/boot.log. After the system is booted, new messages are flushed into this buffer and you can view it's current state with the dmesg command. An important log you'll also want to investigate is /var/log/messages. This will contain timestamps, facilities, and the priorities of the errors and the application which generated them. Having a time stamp available is a priceless asset when debugging errors.

The random lockups definitely sound hardware related though. Try reseating all hardware on the motherboard and give it a memtest86+ run.

John T

Posted 2010-02-07T22:57:22.670

Reputation: 149 037

I see a line in /var/log/messages that says "imklog 4.2.0, log source = /var/run/rsyslog/kmsg started". Is this a good indicator of a system boot? If so I can use that to pinpoint an area of the log I can scan back from. – LRE – 2010-02-07T23:34:10.833

Yes, I believe it's one of the first, if not the first line after a boot. It is the kernel log input module. – John T – 2010-02-07T23:45:39.683


Have you tried re-seating your memory, processor, and other chips? Also, you may want to try running another OS (FreeDOS) to eliminate some possibilities.

As a tip, you should also be able to use two monitors quite nicely through Gnome without using the nvidia drivers.


Posted 2010-02-07T22:57:22.670

Reputation: 808

best I've been able to tell I definitely need the nvidia propietary drivers to use dual monitors. You able to point me in the right direction to not needing them? – LRE – 2010-02-07T23:15:08.257

I may be incorrect. I've poked around a bit, and see references to xinerama (which I think the driver has extensions for) but nothing relating to non-proprietary driverws. Unfortunately, I don't have a machine with an nVidia card to play around with. – Nerdfest – 2010-02-08T17:35:07.557