Why does my static shortcut menu handler overwrite the Windows 10 Jumplist behaviour?



I recently wanted to add a new command menu to my right click menu to have the possibility to securely delete files and directories using Sysinternals SDelete. Using the MSDN documentation and Regedit I created a new menu item in my registry with a submenu containing my SDelete command. I did this for the filetype * as well as for Directory in order to be able to delete files and directories. So far everything worked well and my new menu worked for files and folders.

However when I later wanted to open my profile using the Explorer jumplist in the taskbar, I realized that instead of opening my explorer it invoked my SDelete command on my profile (at that point in time I was glad I added a 5 second delay before the execution ;-)). Basically all Explorer jumplist entries behaved like that.

I tracked down the problem to my directory handler but still can't figure out the problem. You can reproduce the issue by saving the following code into a .reg file and execute it. Please only do so if you know how .reg files work and can manually undo the changes!

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="A Command that should do sth."

@="cmd /K \"echo mySubCommand has been invoked\""

Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong and how I can avoid this jumplist behavior?


Posted 2016-03-27T17:46:18.903

Reputation: 193

You're the 3rd to ask this (in any forum). See my response/fix for this issue. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-start/custom-context-menu-for-folder-conflict-with/13065124-24e5-4dea-85b1-412f582b49df

– w32sh – 2016-03-27T18:19:30.627



This certainly is a bug in Windows 10, and I've see a couple of cases before. The workaround is to implement the verbs in Folder or AllFilesystemobjects, rather than under "Directory". See my response at Microsoft forums for the same issue.

Custom Context Menu for folder conflict with windows default behaviour - Microsoft Community

Cascading Menu And File Explorer Jump Lists Issue In Windows 10 (Has a better illustration)


Posted 2016-03-27T17:46:18.903

Reputation: 8 611

Your response not only solved my problem, but also contains a better solution to implementing the menu - thank you! – Fabian – 2016-03-27T23:15:05.067

Glad that helped, Fabian. – w32sh – 2016-03-28T04:31:53.373