Sending emails from PHPMailer using proxies IP addresses


I need to send emails from PHPMailer using proxies IP addresses, I know that to do so, I need to use the fsockopen function so I can conect to the SMTP account, I also know that if I have to connect to the proxy I have to use the fsockopen function again. But using it fsockopen inside another fsockopen is not doable.

I have transparent proxy and require no authentication. I need to send this to a distant SMTP server of an external Email Service Provider.

The code I have tried :


    //SMTP params
    $server      = '';
    $server_port = '25';
    $username = 'smtp_login';
    $password = 'smtp_pass';

    $proxy      = '';
    $proxy_port = 1111;

    //Open connection
    $socket = fsockopen($proxy, $proxy_port);

    //Send command to proxy
    fputs($socket, "CONNECT $server:$server_port HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $proxy\r\n\r\n");
    fgets($socket, 334);

    //SMTP authorization  
    fputs($socket, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
    fgets($socket, 334);

    fputs($socket, base64_encode($username)."\r\n");
    fgets($socket, 334);

    fputs($socket, base64_encode($password)."\r\n");
    $output = fgets($socket, 235);

    fputs($socket, "HELO $server \r\n"); 
    $output = fgets($socket, 515);


And it's not work i'm not sure why?

Could socat commandes help in this situation or is there any solution or alternative solution to do this?

Thank you in advance.

Zakaria Acharki

Posted 2016-03-23T15:47:19.337

Reputation: 109

1@Downvoters comments helps, i'm ready to improve my post. – Zakaria Acharki – 2016-03-23T18:29:37.980

1upvoting to balance it, i see nothing wrong with this question – SeanClt – 2016-03-24T23:31:40.807

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