Show hidden files and Sort the result in windows search


I am using Windows search using command. The command is

"explorer search-ms:"

It has many options like searching file names, extensions, type of files etc.

But I want to have these options,

  1. Search hidden files

  2. Sort the result of output window in Name, Date Modified and Size wise.

Is this possible in search-ms: command ?

Or is there any ways to implement the same using windows command ?

IT researcher

Posted 2016-03-17T11:14:08.683

Reputation: 783



Use the following command to search for hidden files

dir /s /p /A:H

Attribute details:

/s - to search /p - to pause at result /A:H - to search hidden files

To sort use following attributes

/O:N Name
/O:S file Size
/O:E file Extension
/O:D Date & time


Posted 2016-03-17T11:14:08.683

Reputation: 5 693

this will search within command prompt. I want to see the result in windows explorer. – IT researcher – 2016-03-18T04:36:50.393