Docker / Windows Container: how to mount a host folder as data volume on Windows 2016



How to mount a volume from Windows host to Windows guest system?

I am on Windows Server 2016 TP4 using Docker.

Following the documentation on

If you are using Docker Machine on Mac or Windows, your Docker daemon has only limited access to your OS X or Windows filesystem. Docker Machine tries to auto-share your /Users (OS X) or C:\Users (Windows) directory. So, you can mount files or directories on OS X using.

On Windows, mount directories using:

docker run -v /c/Users/[path]:/[container path] ...`

I tried:

docker run --name iisdemo2 -it -p 80:80 -v /c/Users/mlin/meinedaten:/meinedaten iis cmd

which gives me an error:

docker : docker: Error response from daemon: Invalid bind mount spec "/c/Users/mlin/meinedaten:/meinedaten": volumeinvalid: Invalid volume specification: 

I also tried:

docker run --name iisdemo2 -it -p 80:80 -v /c/Users/mlin/meinedaten:/c/meinedaten iis cmd

Note that the path C:\meinedaten on the guest/container exist already, which is required according to the docker documentation.

The command looks correct to me according to the documentation.

enter image description here

(Mounting volumes from Mac OS X host to Ubuntu docker container works fine, I am just having problems with Windows.)


I also just tried to use Windows Containers natively (via Powershell), not using Docker. I follow the documentation on

Add-ContainerSharedFolder -ContainerName mysql2 -SourcePath C:\Users\mlin\meinedaten -DestinationPath C:\meinedaten

But I am getting problems there are as well.

enter image description here

Eventually related topics:

Mathias Conradt

Posted 2016-03-11T10:04:29.730

Reputation: 757



On Windows, the paths must be specified using Windows-style semantics. You should not use a leading slash in front of the path.

docker run -v c:\Users\[path]:c:\[containerPath]

Mathias Conradt

Posted 2016-03-11T10:04:29.730

Reputation: 757

This does not work if you created the folders with a copy or add command. – Steve Coleman – 2018-05-08T21:14:07.807

the host dir can be also relative "./" and guest internal os might be linux type of os thus regular linux path "/a/b/c/" like , in docker compose this way volumes: - ./:/var/www/html – FantomX1 – 2019-11-16T13:24:49.013


Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Windows Server 2016 RTM.

Add a volume:

docker run -d -v my-named-volume:C:\MyNamedVolume testimage:latest

Mount a host directory:

docker run -d -v C:\Temp\123:C:\My\Shared\Dir testimage:latest


Posted 2016-03-11T10:04:29.730

Reputation: 295