Netbook as a cellphone?


Anyone know of a netbook that has cell phone capability? I mean something where I can hookup a headset of some sort and make phone calls over a cellular plan with a major network like TMobile.

I want to get a smartphone, but I am also wanting to get a netbook, but it seems silly to lug both around. It'd seem like a netbook that could make and receive cellular calls would be great, I guess the netbook would have to be on all the time though.


Posted 2010-02-05T12:47:36.453

Reputation: 2 074

3I just visualized a person holding a netbook up to their head like a phone :D. – Wuffers – 2010-06-18T19:45:44.887

Haha there is actually a video like that where a guy is walking around yelling into an IPad. I would find it for you but I'm at work. – AaronLS – 2010-07-02T14:11:11.140



Samsung Galaxy is the closest thing I've found to this in one package.


Posted 2010-02-05T12:47:36.453

Reputation: 2 074


Too be honest all you need is internet on your netbook and then have a service like Skype or Google Voice enabling you to make calls with it

I'm not sure if there are any netbooks with built-in 3G, but you could achieve the same effect with a dongle

Update: you could take the Nokia Booklet 3G, though a dongle gives you much more freedom in what model you want

Ivo Flipse

Posted 2010-02-05T12:47:36.453

Reputation: 24 054

+1 since Skype/GVoice + an aircard could give me this, although this isn't as flexible or reliable as something like the Samsung Galaxy since with Skype+aircard you would be completely reliant on having a dat connection through wifi or 3g available, instead of being able to fall back on a standard voice only cell network. – AaronLS – 2011-07-26T21:15:39.850