Windows 8.1 High memory usage (Unknown source)



For awhile now my laptop has been running incredibly slow and I'm suspecting it's from the unexplained high memory usage I've been seeing for a few weeks now. I've looked into a number of things, but haven't been able to figure out what exactly is causing it. I was hoping someone on here might have some insight into the problem. I've attached pictures of Ram Map, Task Manager, WPA, Poolmon log, and a tasklist to hopefully help.

When it first boots up it seems to be okay but at some random point in time later the ram usage just shoots up.

Ram Map:

enter image description here

Task Manager:

enter image description here

WPA ResidentSet:

Poolmon Log:

enter image description here


Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============ System Idle Process 0 Services 0 4 K System 4 Services 0 932 K smss.exe 340 Services 0 28 K csrss.exe 516 Services 0 1,944 K wininit.exe 604 Services 0 32 K services.exe 652 Services 0 5,068 K lsass.exe 660 Services 0 7,652 K svchost.exe 736 Services 0 6,728 K svchost.exe 768 Services 0 8,376 K ASCService.exe 904 Services 0 4,344 K nvvsvc.exe 320 Services 0 40 K nvSCPAPISvr.exe 396 Services 0 1,468 K svchost.exe 520 Services 0 17,056 K svchost.exe 600 Services 0 28,768 K svchost.exe 880 Services 0 32,752 K svchost.exe 1076 Services 0 8,812 K svchost.exe 1284 Services 0 10,812 K spoolsv.exe 1488 Services 0 5,552 K svchost.exe 1528 Services 0 15,672 K svchost.exe 1780 Services 0 7,476 K ETDService.exe 1804 Services 0 28 K GfExperienceService.exe 1840 Services 0 196 K ibtrksrv.exe 1904 Services 0 40 K IpOverUsbSvc.exe 1936 Services 0 1,604 K LiveUpdate.exe 2008 Services 0 920 K NvNetworkService.exe 1640 Services 0 64 K NvStreamService.exe 1300 Services 0 688 K sqlwriter.exe 2080 Services 0 816 K MsMpEng.exe 2112 Services 0 1,288 K svchost.exe 2636 Services 0 2,728 K svchost.exe 2684 Services 0 4,552 K WUDFHost.exe 1352 Services 0 80 K NvStreamNetworkService.ex 3176 Services 0 1,168 K svchost.exe 3160 Services 0 2,904 K dllhost.exe 4092 Services 0 1,532 K GoogleCrashHandler.exe 5428 Services 0 1,008 K GoogleCrashHandler64.exe 5436 Services 0 48 K devmonsrv.exe 2092 Services 0 2,320 K obexsrv.exe 420 Services 0 440 K svchost.exe 173256 Services 0 696 K audiodg.exe 659408 Services 0 6,820 K dasHost.exe 591264 Services 0 5,936 K csrss.exe 732396 Console 4 3,764 K winlogon.exe 731168 Console 4 1,360 K dwm.exe 731340 Console 4 19,024 K nvxdsync.exe 678980 Console 4 892 K nvvsvc.exe 730272 Console 4 336 K ETDCtrl.exe 617684 Console 4 992 K taskhostex.exe 681892 Console 4 5,580 K Monitor.exe 592424 Console 4 3,700 K explorer.exe 733136 Console 4 56,476 K ETDCtrlHelper.exe 593144 Console 4 652 K ETDIntelligent.exe 601304 Console 4 888 K nvtray.exe 733576 Console 4 240 K NvBackend.exe 601912 Console 4 6,844 K puush.exe 730032 Console 4 1,432 K flux.exe 541552 Console 4 2,604 K GWX.exe 588040 Console 4 184 K netsession_win.exe 730812 Console 4 548 K netsession_win.exe 729484 Console 4 3,452 K ASCTray.exe 587200 Console 4 3,624 K SheeplessHelper.exe 295020 Console 4 3,248 K Spotify.exe 432844 Console 4 27,624 K TSVNCache.exe 681452 Console 4 2,448 K SpotifyCrashService.exe 565788 Console 4 448 K Spotify.exe 291152 Console 4 20,404 K SpotifyWebHelper.exe 519648 Console 4 448 K Spotify.exe 293956 Console 4 60,824 K NvStreamUserAgent.exe 602268 Console 4 920 K conhost.exe 730372 Console 4 344 K UninstallMonitor.exe 733424 Console 4 5,432 K SettingSyncHost.exe 3776 Console 4 76 K chrome.exe 730276 Console 4 112,320 K chrome.exe 732412 Console 4 740 K chrome.exe 732680 Console 4 38,696 K chrome.exe 682116 Console 4 8,528 K chrome.exe 682644 Console 4 57,576 K chrome.exe 733180 Console 4 20,400 K chrome.exe 732484 Console 4 13,716 K chrome.exe 591796 Console 4 28,136 K explorer.exe 585400 Console 4 57,020 K chrome.exe 3276 Console 4 43,532 K cmd.exe 3256 Console 4 7,056 K conhost.exe 680676 Console 4 1,984 K chrome.exe 732260 Console 4 20,440 K taskhost.exe 734616 Console 4 6,100 K chrome.exe 735676 Console 4 34,060 K mbam.exe 735640 Console 4 18,212 K chrome.exe 682144 Console 4 34,180 K chrome.exe 584956 Console 4 70,400 K chrome.exe 734548 Console 4 46,360 K chrome.exe 731876 Console 4 64,784 K cmd.exe 735140 Console 4 2,668 K conhost.exe 731524 Console 4 7,440 K sublime_text.exe 733012 Console 4 23,004 K plugin_host.exe 733928 Console 4 30,428 K chrome.exe 602548 Console 4 64,380 K chrome.exe 635408 Console 4 78,664 K Taskmgr.exe 601928 Console 4 25,536 K chrome.exe 733096 Console 4 43,288 K chrome.exe 735504 Console 4 40,136 K tasklist.exe 735292 Console 4 5,628 K WmiPrvSE.exe 736128 Services 0 5,880 K

Zachary Nawar

Posted 2016-03-05T22:00:39.693

Reputation: 11


Your Page Table memory is insane. Have you taken a look at ?

– Darth Android – 2016-03-05T22:34:32.887

Yes and I run into the same issue of the Page Table being used by "Unknown (-1)". I'm going to be watching it closely over the next few days since it just occurred to me that it could have something to do with Visual Studio 2013. – Zachary Nawar – 2016-03-06T01:48:16.897

1unknown (-1) is hard to debug. Use clean boot approach to detect 3rd party application that cause it. Lenovo "RapidBoot Shield" is known to cause it – magicandre1981 – 2016-03-06T09:23:24.840

were you able to isolate which tool caused it? – magicandre1981 – 2016-03-11T05:23:24.583

Nope still haven't figured it out yet. – Zachary Nawar – 2016-03-12T22:00:20.093

do you use a Lenovo laptop? If yes, do you have this "RapidBoot Shield" software installed? – magicandre1981 – 2016-03-15T17:31:42.210

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