I'm looking for any Mac compatibile development tools that are tried and tested.
I'm quite sick of my MySQL query browser crashing... And i'm sure there is probably better software out there anyways...
At the moment my focus is dedicated to application development using PHP/MySQL/Ajax. (although, I will be learning ActionScript/Flex shortly).
Here are the apps I regularly use and a general idea of the environment I work in:
Hosting -
localhost: Mamp
Production: Amazon EC2
Coda: PHP/Mysql/Javascript
Mysql -
MySQL query browser
X11 is used for connecting to my production environment
I am mainly looking for...
-tools that will help me better manage (create, edit... whatever) databases.
-Version control. This is huge as I'm working with a team of three other developers (we reeeeeeaaally need to standardize our environments..)
Although any cool little tools to make my job easier are always a plus!
I am unable to insert more than one link as I'm not rated on this forum.
I used textmate... I like Coda better for its project management functionality. I'll definitely check out the others (x11 == terminal) – Derek Adair – 2010-02-04T18:47:27.457
Code is better in a "this is your project" sense, but it tries to cram too much stuff in there at once. It has a lackluster editor, and the rest of the features just fell short for me. The "Publish" feature was the only thing I missed moving to TextMate full time. – Josh K – 2010-02-04T18:48:39.437
wow. This is the EXACT same list I use with the exception of Cornerstone and SmartCVS (I use git). – macek – 2010-02-05T22:53:38.697
Never tried GIT, how is it? – Josh K – 2010-02-06T04:13:23.020