Use a tablet as a monitor for Raspberry Pi?


I'm looking at getting a Raspberry Pi 2 for a project. One of the things I would like to do is use it as a portable machine. Ideally what I'd like to do is use a spare Android tablet that I have lying around, as a monitor for the Pi.

I did see this question that talks about using a tablet as a monitor, but never had a definitive answer.

The tablet I would use is a Sony Tablet S. Would something like this be possible?


Posted 2016-03-01T20:48:46.680

Reputation: 1 856

See if this link is helpful (based on iPad, so not sure how well it would translate to an Android tablet).

– fixer1234 – 2016-03-01T22:02:32.293


Possible duplicate of Can I take an HDMI input to my laptop?

– sawdust – 2016-03-10T07:25:54.507



You can always use vnc to mirror through wlan. That's the only viable solution. Raspberry PI Wiki on VNC Need to access a Raspberry Pi, but don't have a monitor spare? ... Start a VNC server


Posted 2016-03-01T20:48:46.680

Reputation: 11