Connect via RDP as if it was a local session


Windows (10 / Server 2012 R2):

Some applications behave differently, depending on the type of session. Some wouldn't even start in an RDP session.

Is there any possibility to manipulate the RDP-session in a way, so that those picky applications would take it as local?


Posted 2016-03-01T07:21:00.507

Reputation: 101

Possible duplicate of Windows 10 Remote Desktop into Admin/Console session

– Burgi – 2016-03-01T13:00:08.287



According to this answer the /console switch has been removed.

All sessions should be treated the same as a physical log on. The technet article suggests using the /admin switch instead. Unfortunately I am not able to test this in my environment.

Original answer

When you run the RDC application you can add a switch to the command line to open it in console mode. This emulates the connection as if you were physically in front of the machine.

The command to run is:

mstsc /console

Reference: Connect to the console session of a server using Remote Desktop for Administration


Posted 2016-03-01T07:21:00.507

Reputation: 5 916

The /console option seems not to be existent in my Windows 10 mstsc. Adding the suggested option does not seem to change anything about the session type. The target-system is Windows Server 2012 R2. – DPF – 2016-03-01T12:14:36.867

Ah, interesting... – Burgi – 2016-03-01T12:59:27.070