Disable Bluetooth by default in Ubuntu 9.10



Whenever I turn on my laptop, the Bluetooth applet shows up on the system tray, and Bluetooth is enabled. I rarely ever use it however, and I'd like it to be disabled by default, to avoid battery consumption.

Is there a way for that?


Posted 2010-02-04T10:42:14.280

Reputation: 7 588



These instructions will show you how to stop a program loading during start up, but this does not completely disable bluetooth.

To disable bluetooth, try these scripts at the Ubuntuforums.


Posted 2010-02-04T10:42:14.280

Reputation: 4 399

I believe this doesn't disable Bluetooth - just prevents the applet from starting. – Sathyajith Bhat – 2010-02-04T14:44:19.763

Sathya is right. I updated my answer. – Iain – 2010-02-04T14:52:24.703


This solution works on my Ubuntu 12.04 and I guess it also depends on the bluetooth stack the distribution is using. The following two commands are used to soft block/unblock the bluetooth. They are in sync with the Blueman Applet. I haven't tested other applets.

sudo rfkill block bluetooth

sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth

You can check the current status of your devices with: rfkill list

Andrea Richiardi

Posted 2010-02-04T10:42:14.280

Reputation: 123