unsplash-wallpaper random in Windows Tasks, but not in background. How to?


I need to start this:

unsplash-wallpaper random

every hour on my Windows Desktop, but without Windows Command Prompt on Desktop every time.

How to start it in background?


I tried to uncheck the radio button "Run wheter user is connected" and nothign happens. Tried also with SYSTEM and wallpaper doesn't change.


Posted 2016-02-25T11:52:07.753


I tried to uncheck the radio button "Run wheter user is connected" and nothign happens. Tried also with SYSTEM and wallpaper doesn't change. – None – 2016-02-25T11:59:51.110

Please edit your question and include this as it's important information :) – Dave – 2016-02-25T12:01:40.630

Set up a Scheduled Task

– DavidPostill – 2016-02-25T12:07:59.047

@DavidPostill, thanks, but the problem isn't how to start Tasks Manager in Windows. – None – 2016-02-25T15:23:39.287

Then clearly you question is not clear ;) Please include screenshots of your Schedule settings. Upload your image to Imgur and you will get a link you can share. [Edit] your question to include this link and someone with sufficient reputation will inline the image for you.

– DavidPostill – 2016-02-25T15:25:18.867



I guess your problem isn't the task scheduler, but rather the way you call the program. Let me guess: You are using the awesome unsplash-wallpaper program from cuth.

So use the *.cmd in your task (%appdata%\npm\unsplash-wallpaper.cmd):

Task settings

This will show a cmd window every time the task starts. But you can wrap it into a vb-script.


Posted 2016-02-25T11:52:07.753

Reputation: 1