I have a video from a security camera that was originally recorded at a low frame rate, maybe 15 fps, maybe 10 fps, maybe even less. It has since been converted by someone else to 25 fps (without changing the duration). I assume that extra, duplicate frames have been added, and possibly this has also slightly distorted the exact time at which the original frames are displayed.
I want to re-encode the video with ffmpeg to its original frame rate, without dropping any of the useful frames of actual motion. If I just use the fps
filter it won't be selective about which frames it keeps, and I assume that due to rounding errors it could end up keeping some of the duplicate frames and permanently losing useful frames, making things worse. In any case, I don't know what number to tell the filter because I don't know exactly what the original frame rate was!
How can I proceed to repair this video with ffmpeg?
ffmpeg -i "orig.mp4" -an -vcodec h264 -vf "fps=???" "fixed.mp4"
It seems unlikely that it can be done, especially if you don't know the exact "algorithm" the converter used. Sounds sort of like a pulldown issue btw. – Tom Yan – 2016-02-18T16:25:06.570