Can't connect after Tuleap install on Debian sid under docker


I have followed the instructions at, but hitting http://tuleap_web_1.tuleap-aio-dev.docker/ gives "Server not found". The first two points under "3.4. Troubleshooting" seem OK, but the third one gives ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached" on both the dig '*.docker', dig '*.tuleap-aio-dev.docker' and dig 'tuleap_web_1.tuleap-aio-dev.docker' commands.

Unfortunately, there are no follow up tips for when these commands fail. I will add that if I can solve the problem.


Posted 2016-02-08T08:41:23.803

Reputation: 21



It seems to be related to lack of dnsdock working properly. The easiest way to go would be to capture the IP the web container:

docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' tuleap_web_1

and to set the result in your /etc/hosts like:    tuleap_web_1.tuleap-aio-dev.docker

You will have to update the IP address each time you start the container.


Posted 2016-02-08T08:41:23.803

Reputation: 349

That works, thanks. I would like a more permantent solution (but this would do). I am looking at adding options to ExecStart in /lib/systemd/system/docker.service, but I am wondering if it has anything to do with the docker change in default to using 172.17.42.x? – Captnbli – 2016-02-08T22:56:45.783

For a more permanent solution you should investigate why dnsdock is not working. One of the issue we have already seen is a bug in dnsdock it self (look at after having merged the 2 attached PR + relauch of dnsdock it might be better

– Manuel VACELET – 2016-02-09T11:18:59.957