Is there any way to view Chrome browser notifications history?



I get Chrome notifications from several websites and they work when I don't even have any tabs open for those sites.

But sometimes I get these Chrome notifications when I am not at my desk or looking at my laptop.

As some of these notifications are useful to me, I would like to be able to access any that I have missed.

Is there a way to view the notification history?


Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 20 970


Doesn't seem like it. Looking at this post (, they rearranged their notification policy and removed it from desktop to put it on individual webpages. The only thing to access new notifications is to click the bell on a google page.

– Terry – 2016-02-03T15:15:41.177


Seems like nope: - very unfortunate.

– LB-- – 2016-06-19T19:26:49.390

The only place I've found notifications as a list is if the website that fires them has them via their website. Chrome doesn't appear to collect them in something like chrome://notifications and they don't make it to the OS. – Jason Lydon – 2016-08-02T14:44:54.507

Accept the valid answer @paradroid – Satheesh – 2018-08-21T14:26:57.160



If you have a Mac, there is a way!

Here's how the notifications list would look like:

Here's how the notifications list would look like.

All you have to do is:

1. In chrome, go to:


2. Look for:

Enable native notifications. Mac

3. Enable it, restart chrome, you are done. Enjoy!


  • You might not need to do the above anymore.

Starting in Chrome 59, notifications sent via the Notifications API or the chrome.notifications extensions API will be shown directly by the macOS native notification system instead of Chrome's own system. [source]

Esdras Lopez

Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 445

3This doesn't answer the question of seeing notification history, just seeing notifications. – Bjorn – 2017-03-04T00:35:21.877

6@BjornTipling It does answer it. He is asking if he can see the notifications he missed while away and my method does exactly that. – Esdras Lopez – 2017-03-15T04:36:47.177

1If you put the links as comments, I will add them to your post for you, @EsdrasLopez – user418150 – 2018-04-13T13:52:57.087

1@user418150 I appreciate that, but I got the reputation now. :) Check the edits. – Esdras Lopez – 2018-04-14T17:49:20.770

2The main problem here is that it only stores the notification if you don't click on it. Several times I have clicked on an interesting article title, only to have it fail to load, however, it still got removed from the notifications list. Usually the articles are too new to be Googled and often the notification title doesn't match the article title, so it gets lost in the bowels of the web. – iBorg – 2018-09-21T00:59:21.310

Windows and Linux are supported now as well – Maxim Mazurok – 2018-10-05T00:01:46.770


On MacOSX you will have Chrome directory located in Library/Application Support. Open terminal application and run next commands:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Platform\ Notifications/
ls -la

Now you will see files like this:

drwx------@  7 visi  staff   224 Jul 13 18:16 .
drwx------  75 visi  staff  2400 Jul 15 11:05 ..
-rw-------@  1 visi  staff   759 Jul 15 10:57 000003.log
-rw-------@  1 visi  staff    16 Jul 13 18:16 CURRENT
-rw-------@  1 visi  staff     0 Jul 13 18:16 LOCK
-rw-------@  1 visi  staff   147 Jul 13 18:16 LOG
-rw-------@  1 visi  staff    41 Jul 13 18:16 MANIFEST-000001

You can see the most recent one is 000003.log, so check it by next command:

tail -n 100 000003.log

And you will see last 100 items from this log. Then you can open chrome settings and disable that website notification.

Note that if you have several profiles in chrome, your path can be different, like this (Profile1 instead of Default):

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Profile\ 1/Platform\ Notifications/

Andrey Bezpalenko

Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 171

4This should be the accepted answer. :) – Cody A. Ray – 2019-01-12T14:45:02.370

1Still working in 2019 (although the log needs a little interpreting). Great answer thanks – carpii – 2019-06-23T00:31:19.220

On Linux (at least on Linux Mint), similarly you can find the log file(s) in /home/user/.config/google-chrome/Profile 1/Platform Notifications/ – jdmayfield – 2020-01-10T04:54:43.093

Any solution for Ubuntu? The log file I'm seeing on Ubuntu 18.04 in a similar location to this (~/.config/chrome-remote-desktop/chrome-profile/Default/Platform Notifications/000003.log) is empty. – Gabriel Staples – 2020-01-24T00:41:47.890

Update; try this for Ubuntu 18.04, but it's really hard to read, as it's a binary blob containing a bunch of readable ASCII chars/strings is all: tail -n 10 "/home/$USER/.config/google-chrome/Default/Platform Notifications/000003.log" – Gabriel Staples – 2020-01-24T00:45:45.227

For Ubuntu, here's what seemed to work best for me:

– Gabriel Staples – 2020-01-24T01:30:06.293


If you go to %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Platform Notifications, there is a log file of past notifications.


Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 121

4good, but consider specifying path as "%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Platform Notifications" instead of hardcode. It perfectly works on any PC. – Dmitry Gusarov – 2017-11-18T14:04:16.327

In the UserData/-folder you might have to locate your profile folder first, such as "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\UserData\Profile 1\Platform Notifications" – Maffelu – 2018-01-04T07:55:29.420

1This data is binary. How to read it? – Gaia – 2018-02-14T16:39:59.723

On Chrome 71, and the log file is empty. Did this get disabled at some point? – James – 2019-01-19T23:36:46.750


@Gaia I wondered the same thing and just whipped up some crappy Java code that does an acceptable job at deciphering most of it. I posted it below:

– Dreamspace President – 2019-03-02T13:25:55.853


As it seems not possible to get a record of the notifications directly, if I had the same problem, I would cheat by using an android phone emulator, or a phone, as the user who recommended Pushbullet. But there is not only Pushbullet, there are a lof of other apps, we could discuss the android tricks to listen and record notifications, in a separate thread.

If you are a programmer, you could maybe solve your problem though a home-made extension:

"You can hook the webkitNotifications.createNotification function so that whenever a notification is created you run some particular code."


Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 214


Touching something that was mentioned a bit above but with a twist that insure you are not missing the notification on OSX:

  1. On the right side of the main top bar, click on the notification icon.

  2. Click the cogwheel (lower right of the notification display)

  3. Select Chrome to setup how notifications are displayed.

  4. By default "Banners" are selected and they can vanish automatically. Instead, select the "Alert" type and they will stay there as long as you are not acknowledging them!

You are welcome :)

Patrick St-Onge

Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 21


You can see the history of Push Notifications. On the very bottom right corner of your PC screen on the taskbar is what looks like a speech bubble and if you hover over it you will see it is actually called "notifications". If you click that bubble it will show your unread/new emails and any push notifications you have not dismissed. I came here looking for this answer and didnt find it but then managed to work this out. I am using Windows 10.

Shea Bethell

Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 21

Yes, this is a recent thing on Win10, but it is the eventual answer for Windows. – paradroid – 2018-12-12T14:55:07.053



For Ubuntu, jump down to the "final one-liner" TL;DR answer at the bottom.


This is modeled after @Andrey Bezpalenko's answer, but tested to be functional also on Ubuntu 18.04.

As is the case with his answer too, however, the output is pretty stinking ugly, as it's binary output with readable ASCII character strings intermingled in with the binary. Here's the steps:

  1. Find the latest log file (*.log) in the "Platform Notifications" directory for your Chrome installation:

    find ~ | grep --extended-regexp "google-chrome.{0,30}Platform Notifications.*\.log$" | tail -n 1

    Sample Output:

    $ find ~ | grep --extended-regexp "google-chrome.{0,30}Platform Notifications.*\.log$" | tail -n 1
    find: ‘/home/gabriel/.cache/doc’: Permission denied
    /home/gabriel/.config/google-chrome/Default/Platform Notifications/000003.log

    We can see we found the log file here: /home/gabriel/.config/google-chrome/Default/Platform Notifications/000003.log.

  2. View the last, let's say, 10 lines, or log entries, from this log file:

    tail -n 10 "/home/gabriel/.config/google-chrome/Default/Platform Notifications/000003.log"

    Sample output of just the last 3 items (tail -n 3 "/home/gabriel/.config/google-chrome/Default/Platform Notifications/000003.log"). Notice how flippin' ugly this is to try to read and interpret!

    $ tail -n 3 "/home/gabriel/.config/google-chrome/Default/Platform Notifications/000003.log"
                                                                                                                                                                       message_type"lifecycle_post_suggestions" device_id"@a5df86650804f98993acc43b31efa4ec0c733485b8cef4d8fe64a01ad07e9e09"auto_dismiss_optionsobehavior"timed"dismiss_time_msI��{{X`�������hrz* p#����P�-X�-`�-hp���-��<DATA:https_www.reddit.com_0p#�_Q��<DATA:https_www.reddit.com_0p#�
                                                                                                                                                                  ��<DATA:https_www.reddit.com_0p#��,���� In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video�"�
    SpaceX In-Flight Abort Test"Recommended: NASA Video*�SpaceX In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video"nav"B/watch?v=mu5Ydz34oVc&feature=push-fr&attr_tag=WQZST9cYBH8yY01w%3A6"id"COvK+bnsmucCEJQB"attributionTag"WQZST9cYBH8yY01w:6{X`�������hrz*�p# In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video�������hp�q�I��� In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video�"�
    SpaceX In-Flight Abort Test"Recommended: NASA Video*�SpaceX In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video"nav"B/watch?v=mu5Ydz34oVc&feature=push-fr&attr_tag=WQZST9cYBH8yY01w%3A6"id"COvK+bnsmucCEJQB"attributionTag"WQZST9cYBH8yY01w:6{X`�������hrz*�p# In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video�������`�hp������ In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video� In-Flight Abort TestRecommended: NASA Video

Or, just do all of the above in one single step:

tail -n 10 "$( find ~ | grep --extended-regexp "google-chrome.{0,30}Platform Notifications.*\.log$" | tail -n 1 )"

Or even better, also print out the path to the log file:

TL;DR: the final one-liner:

LOG_FILE="$( find ~ | grep --extended-regexp "google-chrome.{0,30}Platform Notifications.*\.log$" | tail -n 1 )"; echo -e "LOG_FILE=\"$LOG_FILE\"\n---------\n"; tail -n 10 "$LOG_FILE"

Further work:

Can anyone make this output look less horribly ugly? I'd like to see prior notifications in a more readable format!

Gabriel Staples

Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 625


Seems as though Pushbullet may solve your issue. They claim you can see your missed notifications using their Chrome extension.

Socialorganix Contentbrandmgmt

Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 17

Please read How to recommend software for minimum required information and suggestions on how to recommend software on Super User. To keep your answer useful even if the provided link(s) breaks these details should be edited into your answer.

– I say Reinstate Monica – 2016-09-09T01:30:45.063

Hey, nice. I'll try that out. I actually already use Pushbullet, but was unaware of this Chrome extension. – paradroid – 2016-09-12T00:32:58.317

Can't seem to find this feature. A notification popped and there's not trace of it in the notification's history. – madprops – 2016-09-14T02:44:24.443

I rethought the question and the catch is this. If your phone gets a notification, pushbullet will deliver it to your desktop and let you know you have possibly unread notifications (you may have seen it on your phone or what have you).

What sites are you getting chrome notifications for? If there's an app for it, you can always install it and you'll then get the notifications from pushbullet to your desktop/laptop/whatever. – Socialorganix Contentbrandmgmt – 2016-09-15T12:40:15.483

I know it seems like a crummy workaround, but for whatever reason, the brilliant minds at Google have once again left an enormously helpful product feature out of their product (chrome notifications). At the moment, I can't remember any of the many other things they did like that. Oh here's one... It's like Gmail and Reminder integration. They keep it out of Gmail but put it in Inbox. So then you have Tasks in Gmail and Reminders in Inbox, which hardly anyone uses, but then Reminders are also integrated in the Calendar. So their most popular mail product lacking but ... u get the picture. – Socialorganix Contentbrandmgmt – 2016-09-15T12:48:11.890

1The "Notifications" feature in Pushbullet is only for seeing notifications from your Android phone on the desktop, and the same with iPhone if you have a Mac desktop. It has nothing to do with Chrome notifications. – Boaz - Reinstate Monica – 2016-11-27T08:08:23.733


Thanks to Corey's answer above, and a lazy Saturday with too much time on my hands, I can now see a list of recent Chrome notifications in my IDE's console, where I can even click on the URLs.

The code is crappy and uses crude heuristics since I have no clue of the correct way to interpret the binary data.

But it's a ton better than nothing. Example output (excerpt):
So bewegten sich die Einzelwerte des TecDAX in der zurückliegenden Handelswoche.*
KW 9: Tops und Flops der TecDAX-Aktien in der vergangenen Woche
So bewegten sich die Einzelwerte des TecDAX in der zurückliegenden Handelswoche.
New from Market Moves
Trade Recap: $1,500 in PROFITS*˜
 from Market MovesTrade Recap: $1,500 in PROFITS

Crucifixion-worthy Java code:

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

 * v[1, 2019-03-02 13:00 UTC]
 * by
final public class CrappyChromeNotificationHistoryReader {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {

        final File file = new File(
                "C:\\Users\\[YOUR_NAME_HERE]\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Platform Notifications\\000003.log");

        final List<ChromeNotificationStuff> notifications = obtainChromeNotificationStuff(file);
        for (ChromeNotificationStuff notification : notifications) {

    public static List<ChromeNotificationStuff> obtainChromeNotificationStuff(final File file) {

        final List<ChromeNotificationStuff> ret = new ArrayList<>();

        final List<DumbTokenList> listOfDumbTokenLists = doTheInsaneParsingThing(file);
        int instanceCounter = 0;
        for (DumbTokenList dtl : listOfDumbTokenLists) {

            final List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>();
            final List<String> texts = new ArrayList<>();

            for (String token : dtl.tokens) {
                if (token.startsWith("https://") || token.startsWith("http://")) {
                } else {

            // Remove unimportant URLs.
            for (int i = urls.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                final String urlThis = urls.get(i);
                final int lenThis = urlThis.length();
                for (int ii = i - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
                    final String urlThat = urls.get(ii);
                    final int lenThat = urlThat.length();

                    if (lenThis > lenThat) {
                        if (urlThis.startsWith(urlThat)) {
                            final String removed = urls.remove(ii);
                            //                            System.err.println("\nREMOVED: " + removed + "\nKEPT   : " + urlThis); // because was better or equal
                    } else {
                        if (urlThat.startsWith(urlThis)) {
                            final String removed = urls.remove(i);
                            //                            System.err.println("\nREMOVED: " + removed + "\nKEPT   : " + urlThat); // because was better or equal


            ret.add(new ChromeNotificationStuff(instanceCounter, urls, texts));


        return ret;

    final public static class ChromeNotificationStuff implements Comparable<ChromeNotificationStuff> {

        private final int instanceCounter;
        final public List<String> urls;
        final public List<String> texts;

        private ChromeNotificationStuff(final int instanceCounter,
                                        final List<String> urls,
                                        final List<String> texts) {

            this.instanceCounter = instanceCounter;

            this.urls = Collections.unmodifiableList(urls);
            this.texts = Collections.unmodifiableList(texts);

        public String toString() {

            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (String url : urls) {
            for (String text : texts) {
            return sb.toString();

        public int compareTo(final ChromeNotificationStuff o) { // Newest (= last) notifications first, please.

            return, instanceCounter);

    final private static double MIN_LENGTH_DIFFERENCE_RATIO = 0.7;//0.9;
    final private static double MIN_REMAININGLINES_PERCENTAGEOF_ALLLINES = 0.2;

    final private static class DumbTokenList {

        final private static int MIN_LENGTH = 10; //6;
        final private static String[] EXTENSIONS = new String[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".html", ".htm", ".php" };
        final private static int MAX_EXTRA_CRAP_AFTER_EXTENSIONS = 3;
        final private static String SAFE_URL_CHARACTERS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;="; //

        final private String originalText;
        final private List<String> tokens;

        private DumbTokenList(final String textWithBinaryCrap) {

            originalText = textWithBinaryCrap;

            final List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<>();

            final Consumer<String> addTokenButTryToDecrappifyExtensionsFirstAnTing = token -> {

                if (token.startsWith("ttps://") || token.startsWith("ttp://")) {
                    token = "h" + token;

                final List<String> newTokens = new ArrayList<>();

                if (token.startsWith("http")) {
                    final int tokenLength = token.length();
                    boolean found = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tokenLength; i++) {
                        final char c = token.charAt(i);
                        if (SAFE_URL_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) < 0) {
                            newTokens.add(token.substring(0, i));
                            found = true;
                    if (!found) {
                } else {

                for (String newToken : newTokens) {

                    String foundExt = null;
                    int foundExtLen = 0;
                    int foundExtAt = -1;
                    for (String extension : EXTENSIONS) {
                        final int idx = newToken.indexOf(extension);
                        if (idx >= 0) {
                            final int extLen = extension.length();
                            if (idx > foundExtAt || (idx == foundExtAt && extLen > foundExtLen)) {
                                foundExt = extension;
                                foundExtLen = extLen;
                                foundExtAt = idx;
                    if (foundExt != null) {
                        final int amountOfCharactersAfterThisFind = newToken.length() - foundExtAt - foundExtLen;
                        if (amountOfCharactersAfterThisFind <= MAX_EXTRA_CRAP_AFTER_EXTENSIONS) {
                            // OK. Shorten this bitch.
                            newToken = newToken.substring(0, foundExtAt + foundExtLen);

                    if (newToken.startsWith("http")) {
                        if (!newToken.startsWith("http://") && !newToken.startsWith("https://")) {

                    if (newToken.startsWith("/watch?v=")) {
                        newToken = "" + newToken;

                    if (newToken.length() >= MIN_LENGTH) {



            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            final int len = textWithBinaryCrap.length();
            for (int i = 0; i <= len + 1; i++) {

                final char c = i < len ? textWithBinaryCrap.charAt(i) : 0;

                if (c < ' ' || c == '"') {

                    String potentialText = sb.toString();
                    while (true) {
                        final int httpIDX = potentialText.indexOf("http", 1);
                        if (httpIDX < 0) {
                        } else {
                            final String snippet = potentialText.substring(0, httpIDX);
                            potentialText = potentialText.substring(httpIDX);


                    if (c == '"') {
                        // Skip this and the next. (thus "i < len +1")
                } else {

            // Remove quasi-duplicates. Sue me.
            //            System.err.println("\n*** STARTING DEDUPLICATION ***");
            final int lSize = tokens.size();
            for (int i = lSize - 1; i > 0; i--) { // (not 0 itself, wouldn't make sense)

                if (i < tokens.size()) {

                    final String entry = tokens.get(i);

                    for (int ii = i - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { // (incl. 0)

                        final String otherEntry = tokens.get(ii);

                        final Boolean removeNoneOrFirstOrSecond = areLinesTooSimilar(entry, otherEntry);
                        if (removeNoneOrFirstOrSecond != null) {

                            if (!removeNoneOrFirstOrSecond) {
                                final String removed = tokens.remove(i);
                                //                                System.err.println("\nREMOVED: " + removed + "\nKEPT   : " + otherEntry); // because was better or equal
                            } else {
                                final String removed = tokens.remove(ii);
                                //                                System.err.println("\nREMOVED: " + removed + "\nKEPT   : " + entry); // because was better or equal
                            break; // IMPORTANT!


            this.tokens = Collections.unmodifiableList(tokens);


        public String toString() {

            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (String token : tokens) {
            return sb.toString();


     * Do NOT call with NULL/EMPTY arguments.
     * @return NULL if not too similar. False if the FIRST seems superfluous. True if the SECOND seems superfluous.
    private static Boolean areLinesTooSimilar(final String line1,
                                              final String line2) {

        final int l1 = line1.length();
        final int l2 = line2.length();

        final double lenDiffRatio = Math.min(l1, l2) / (double) Math.max(l1, l2); // Results in 1 or less.

        if (lenDiffRatio >= MIN_LENGTH_DIFFERENCE_RATIO) {

            if (l2 < l1) {
                // Compare the other way round.
                if (line1.contains(line2)) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (line2.contains(line1)) {
                    return true;


        return null;

    private static List<DumbTokenList> doTheInsaneParsingThing(final File file) {

        final List<DumbTokenList> ret = new ArrayList<>();

        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        try (final InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))) {

            final int bufMinus1 = 4;
            final Charset charset = Charset.forName("Cp1252"); // =ansi

            final int[] buf = new int[bufMinus1 + 1]; // "DATA"
            //            while ((buf[buf.length - 1] = >= 0) {
            while (true) {

                buf[bufMinus1] =;

                if (buf[bufMinus1] < 0 || (
                        buf[0] == 'D' &&
                                buf[1] == 'A' &&
                                buf[2] == 'T' &&
                                buf[3] == 'A' &&
                                buf[4] == ':')) {

                    if (sb.length() > 0) {
                        ret.add(new DumbTokenList(sb.toString()));

                    if (buf[bufMinus1] < 0) {

                } else {

                    sb.append(new String(new byte[] { (byte) buf[bufMinus1] }, charset));
                    //                    sb.append((char) buf[bufMinus1]);

                // Shift minibuffer to front.
                for (int i = 0; i < bufMinus1; i++) {
                    buf[i] = buf[i + 1];

        } catch (IOException e) {

        for (int i = ret.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {

            if (i < ret.size()) {
                final DumbTokenList dtlThis = ret.get(i);
                final int dtlThisTokenCount = dtlThis.tokens.size();

                for (int ii = i - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
                    final DumbTokenList dtlThat = ret.get(ii);
                    final int dtlThatTokenCount = dtlThat.tokens.size();

                    int scoreViaRemainingLines_this = dtlThisTokenCount;
                    int scoreViaRemainingLines_that = dtlThatTokenCount;

                    for (int o = 0; o < dtlThisTokenCount; o++) {
                        final String tokenThis = dtlThis.tokens.get(o);
                        for (int oo = 0; oo < dtlThatTokenCount; oo++) {
                            final String tokenThat = dtlThat.tokens.get(oo);

                            final Boolean tooSimilar = areLinesTooSimilar(tokenThis, tokenThat);
                            if (tooSimilar != null) {


                    if (scoreViaRemainingLines_this < 0 || scoreViaRemainingLines_that < 0) {
                        throw new Error();

                    final double scoreActual_this = scoreViaRemainingLines_this / (double) dtlThisTokenCount;
                    final double scoreActual_that = scoreViaRemainingLines_that / (double) dtlThatTokenCount;

                    if (scoreViaRemainingLines_this < scoreViaRemainingLines_that) {
                        if (scoreActual_this < MIN_REMAININGLINES_PERCENTAGEOF_ALLLINES) {
                            final DumbTokenList removed = ret.remove(i);
                            //                            System.err.println("\nREMOVED:\n" + removed + "\nKEPT   :\n" + dtlThat);
                            break; // IMPORTANT.
                    } else {
                        if (scoreActual_that < MIN_REMAININGLINES_PERCENTAGEOF_ALLLINES) {
                            final DumbTokenList removed = ret.remove(ii);
                            //                            System.err.println("\nREMOVED:\n" + removed + "\nKEPT   :\n" + dtlThis);
                            break; // IMPORTANT.



        return ret;


Dreamspace President

Posted 2016-02-03T10:31:33.357

Reputation: 119

1To get this running, I used the following commands, javac "C:\Users\MLM\Downloads\"(to compile), java -cp C:\Users\MLM\Downloads CrappyChromeNotificationHistoryReader(to run)

The script was failing at if (scoreViaRemainingLines_this < 0 || scoreViaRemainingLines_that < 0) { so I commented out all parsing in doTheInsaneParsingThing and just printed out everything System.out.println(sb.toString()); when the token gets added to the list.

It looks like "Platform Notifications" only handles the server worker push notifications. – MLM – 2019-06-30T02:46:57.643

@MLM: Thanks for the javac info. As for the problem: Works for me if I paste the source into an open Java 8 IntelliJ project, put in my user name ("file" variable), and run the code. – Dreamspace President – 2019-06-30T09:56:17.170

:( Downvote (to my post) without reason is bad form and doesn't help anyone. Not for an answer like this one that actually offers a solution that otherwise does not even exist! – Dreamspace President – 2019-11-20T09:35:46.183