Outlook - Where is the "You have Replied to this Message" info stored



I have an issue where I had Outgoing mail in my Outbox, and something then caused Outlook to crash. (Outlook 2013) All of those mails disappeared.

I can't remember which e-mails I replied to, to redraft. Most of them were replies on mails. If I go back to the one of the original Mails, which I replied on, it shows "You have replied .." with a date/time stamp, on the header.

I want to sort all my mail by fields date so I can see what mail I replied on last night and this morning, prior to the crash

Does anybody know where this is stored?


Posted 2016-01-28T07:32:12.743

Reputation: 21

"I had Outgoing mail in my Outbox" - if your Outlook has crashed that time, than probably those mails are not sent. Also crash probably didn't deleted your sent mails, so just have a look on the newest items in your sent folder, and everything not present there was lost. – Máté Juhász – 2016-01-28T07:50:07.040



This date is stored in PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME MAPI property (DASL http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x10820040). In order to sort by this property, you'll need to create a custom field in your Outlook folder, then write a VBA script that will copy PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME to this custom field. After that you'll be able to sort by this custom field.


Posted 2016-01-28T07:32:12.743

Reputation: 8 081

Hi @thims, do you know of a VBA template for synchronizing a MAPI property to a column/field name? – Phil Hobrla – 2017-07-22T21:58:50.090