I want to convert a MKV 10b to MKV 8b, with identical quality of sound and video.
I uses the following command line:
ffmpeg -i -c my_file.mkv: libx264 v -profile -crf 18 -PRESET medium high -level 40 -c:a copy c: s copy output.mkv
but I think with the CRF parameter I'm losing video quality... So my question is, what is the correct command line to convert a MKV 10b to MKV 8b with identical quality?
210b? Does that mean 10bit? If so, what you are asking is impossible. You can't encode 10bits of data in 8bits without losing a little color information. – szatmary – 2016-01-28T02:51:37.213
Thanks for the answer, and yes, I was referring to 10 bits. – Pancho – 2016-01-28T15:49:23.767