How can I organize movies on Windows?
Features wanted:
- IMDB import
- fields: director, genre, year, actors,...
- covers
- manage DVD / BD / ripped AVIs, MKV
- moving/renaming files according fields
I want to achieve something like: M:\Movies\Director\year. title (genre).avi
A syntax that lets me choose how I organize my files (like foobar2000 & mp3 files) according IMDB and personal tags would be great.
Auto fetch covers and listing of not-yet-ripped/yet-to-be-seen/wanted/loaned movies (txt, HTML or whatever) would be some nice features too.
2I personally like using the "BENNO" DVD towers from IKEA to organize movies, but what does this have to do with computers? :) – bk1e – 2010-02-08T07:22:09.293
This should have been community wiki. – alex – 2010-02-08T09:12:24.073
What do you mean with moving/renaming files? Should they be in different folders or catalogued according their IMDB categorie – Ivo Flipse – 2010-02-09T14:52:01.827
sorry my question was definitively too vague... see my second update – fluxtendu – 2010-02-09T15:54:50.473