Disable Lock Screen after Remote Desktop session in Windows 10



I would like to disable the lock screen after disconnecting from a remote desktop session in Windows 10.

Either natively, or with something like a .exe shortcut to disconnect from the session on the target machine.

Thorstein Nilsen

Posted 2016-01-25T09:41:56.123

Reputation: 43

What do you mean by “disable”? Do you want Windows to automatically log in again after the remote session disconnects? – Daniel B – 2016-01-25T10:14:27.720

To clarify; when i disconnect from remote session, the lock screen on the target computer appears. I would either like to automatically log in again, like you say - or to disable the lock screen. – Thorstein Nilsen – 2016-01-25T20:26:17.873

You can’t disable the lock screen. The session will be disconnected from the console (the “real” PC) when you connect via RDP. This, in turn, brings up the lock screen, were you can read who is currently connected from where. – Daniel B – 2016-01-25T21:53:37.167



In the end of your RDP session, open the Command prompt as Admin and:

tscon 1 /dest:console

when conected to the local console (using the /admin)

Luis Pereira

Posted 2016-01-25T09:41:56.123

Reputation: 131

If i'm not mistaken, I think that will work on Windows 8.1 and backwards. I tried that, and getting this: "SessionID 1 not found". – Thorstein Nilsen – 2016-01-25T20:27:14.950

Strange... It should work: https://techjourney.net/remote-desktop-connection-without-locking-remote-computer-session-on-disconnect/

– Luis Pereira – 2016-01-25T22:19:49.157

Can you try the same but using the /admin to connect? – Luis Pereira – 2016-01-25T22:29:33.410

That was it! Perfect, thank you a whole bunch and have a great day! – Thorstein Nilsen – 2016-01-26T16:55:40.210