How to add .bash_profile in Windows to run Matlab-based IPython notebooks


I'm looking at this tutorial to run matlab code in IPython notebook:

but I am stuck at step3: I edited the .bash_profile file located at "C:\Users\myUserName.bash_profile" by adding the following line

export MATLAB_EXECUTABLE="/c/Program\ Files/MATLAB/R2014a/bin/matlab.exe"

How can I check if the line I added is correct? Now I do not know how to proceed:which is the terminal? Can I start jupyter directly via the icon?


Posted 2016-01-12T11:01:57.310

Reputation: 1



It seems that it is not possible to use Matlab kernel in IPython notebook in Windows. See this post:

You need to first make sure that pymatbridge works fine but as it mentioned in the above link, it is different from one computer to the other.

Soroosh Shafiee

Posted 2016-01-12T11:01:57.310

Reputation: 11


I went to Start > Control Panel > and typed "Environment" in the search bar. Then I clicked "Edit environment variables for your account". I clicked "New..." and added a variable named MATLAB_EXECUTABLE with the value C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\bin\matlab.exe (replace this with the path to your matlab.exe).

Now I can select Matlab from the available kernels (after restart with jupyter notebook).

Verena Haunschmid

Posted 2016-01-12T11:01:57.310

Reputation: 123


It seems you're using a Windows environment, which doesn't have an equivalent to the Terminal built-in. If you successfully installed Anaconda, however, you should be able to open the ipython notebook from there.


Posted 2016-01-12T11:01:57.310

Reputation: 1