What is ECFirmwareMajorRelease in registry?


Can anyone tell me what ECFirmwareMajorRelease stands for?

The key can be found in the registry at

Remus Rigo

Posted 2010-01-29T20:08:54.250

Reputation: 2 623



It is an System Management BIOS information field. This is a Microsoft document that explains SMBios support status in Windows.

"EC" is deacronymized as "Embedded Controller" and means a chip that processes some model-specific hardware events and also interprets ACPI pseudocode. (At least everything I found on the web refers to EC in this way. Also EC references are mostly found with ThinkPad laptops. This is a small explanation of what it does on ThinkPads).


Posted 2010-01-29T20:08:54.250

Reputation: 14 146