Analyse emails to find how many emails per subject per day


I have been searching for a tool that lets me know how many emails I have received per day for a particular subject. I regularly get emails with that subject, and I want to analyse how many I have got daily.

Are there any tools out there that can do this? I can't find any.

Thank you.


Posted 2016-01-08T10:42:51.440

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2016-01-21T00:16:39.123

What client do you use to receive email? Should be a simple search filter. – Jonno – 2016-01-08T10:49:12.137

I am using gmail. – Gerardo – 2016-01-08T11:19:34.233


Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic. See On Topic. Try but please first read What is required for a question to contain “enough information”.

– DavidPostill – 2016-01-08T12:04:21.507



One option as you are using Gmail, there are a lot of advanced search techniques you can use. This will allow you to get only the items you want and analyse from there easily enough.

For example

subject:"My Subject" after:2016/01/08

would return all emails with 'My Subject' as the subject, after 12:00 today.

For other days you could use

subject:"My Subject" after:2016/01/07 before:2016/01/08

Allowing you to get the emails for 07/01/2016.

It will tell you in the top right how many emails matched your criteria.


Posted 2016-01-08T10:42:51.440

Reputation: 18 756