How can I use Windows Libraries icons for my own folders?
I relocated my Windows Libraries to a set of folders of my own:
Now I also want to use the same icons for these folders. How can I do that? I tried Customize under the folder's properties, but I can't seem to find the icons in shell32.dll.
The icons for Music, Pictures and Videos are located in %SystemRoot%\system32\wmploc.dll and the icon for Documents is located in %SystemRoot%\System32\imageres.dll:
See this answer for a list of DLL files containing icons.
Posted 2015-12-30T11:00:44.617
Reputation: 3 385
You're very welcome. I edited my answer to include a link for another answer here on SU that contains a list of DLL files containing icons. – FastEthernet – 2015-12-30T11:21:06.060
You're very welcome. I edited my answer to include a link for another answer here on SU that contains a list of DLL files containing icons. – FastEthernet – 2015-12-30T11:21:06.060