Thumbnails for MP3s are missing in explorer


I just set up Windows 10 on my PC and everything works great except one glitch.

I have a folder with many MP3s which contain a picture in the MP3-tag. On Windows 7 I used to see this picture in the explorer for every item.

Now on Windows 10 I just see the Winamp icon, no matter on what icon size I set the folder.

I googled around but nothing seems to work/change anything. I tried to activate thumbs via System performance settings and global folder settings. No effect.


Posted 2015-12-30T10:29:46.027

Reputation: 153

Is it only thumbnails for MP3 files that are missing? If you open your Pictures folder, do you see thumbnails there? – FastEthernet – 2015-12-30T10:41:29.490

@FastEthernet: Yes, only MP3s. Pictures are just they are supposed to be. – Ron – 2015-12-30T14:18:35.707

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