Is it possible to get old suggestion system back in Firefox 43.0?



With the new update, the first suggested link is just domain. In older versions, the first suggested link was the page I visited the most and I got used to this great feature.

Is it possible to remove the new domain suggestion, for example "Visit"?

See image attachedenter image description here


Posted 2015-12-17T08:57:06.600

Reputation: 311

1It seems to be some kind of "sponsored link". In my url Facebook usually ranks 2nd or 3rd, yet this feature constantly suggests FB as #1 after typing "fa". – Agent_L – 2015-12-21T11:22:07.453



Update: This preference no longer exists in Firefox 48.0. See this question for Firefox 48.0.

I noticed this today too and played around in about:config. To get rid of the "Visit website" suggestion you'll need to change a preference. The value you want to change is browser.urlbar.unifiedcomplete, set it to false.

Set it to false: urlbar

Back to normal:

Search Suggestions


Posted 2015-12-17T08:57:06.600

Reputation: 7 590

5Perfect. This has been annoying me too! – DavidPostill – 2015-12-17T17:11:29.743

1@DavidPostill Setting browser.urlbar.delay to 0 speeds up the search response, too. – Geremia – 2016-05-17T22:52:20.167