Windows 10 "optimize drives" shows SSD as "hard disk drive"



I upgraded my old computer with a Samsung EVO 850. I did a clean Windows 10 installation.

Installed Samsung Magic and fixed all the AHCI settings. Now I have full 6Gb/s transfer speed.

However, my problem is Windows "Optimize Drives" tool wants to defrag my SSD like a hard drive. As far as I know, this is bad.

The rest of the OS works fine, and my 3rd party programs see that it's a SSD.

CPU: Intel Core i7 (4th gen)
Mobo: Asus P7P55DE_PRO

Michael Bridges

Posted 2015-11-29T16:14:25.500

Reputation: 43

I had the exact same problem, just the other way around. – aman207 – 2016-01-07T03:15:11.780



Windows detects the type based on the benchmarks results. Run winsat formal from a cmd.exe, started as admin to bench the drive again.

Now Windows should detect the drive again as SSD and should only TRIM it and don't do a fully defrag.


Posted 2015-11-29T16:14:25.500

Reputation: 86 560

Ok, it now shows my "solid state" media but optimiation isn't available for some reaons.

Thank you so much for the help btw. – Michael Bridges – 2015-12-01T03:19:42.747

maybe this means "no action" needed for the drive. Accept the answer to "close" the question. – magicandre1981 – 2015-12-01T05:03:07.963

1What worked for me was to run winsat disk -drive X for each of the drives, as winsat diskformal only seems to do the first drive and I have multiple partitions on the first disk, so it was still detected as HDD. – Natan – 2018-03-30T10:57:05.807


Command winsat formal didn't work for me, I used winsat diskformal, like descripted here:

Andreas Rex

Posted 2015-11-29T16:14:25.500

Reputation: 1