How to show full command line of all processes in Windows



On Windows, in the Task Manager it is possible to see the command line of each processes but it is truncated.

How can I see the complete command line of each running process?


Posted 2015-11-22T13:14:03.890

Reputation: 1 394



In cmd, run the following:

wmic process get processid,commandline

To filter for a particular program:

wmic process where "name like '%chrome%'" get processid,commandline

The other properties that you can query for processes are:

  • Caption
  • CommandLine
  • CreationClassName
  • CreationDate
  • CSCreationClassName
  • CSName
  • Description
  • ExecutablePath
  • ExecutionState
  • Handle
  • HandleCount
  • InstallDate
  • KernelModeTime
  • MaximumWorkingSetSize
  • MinimumWorkingSetSize
  • Name
  • OSCreationClassName
  • OSName
  • OtherOperationCount
  • OtherTransferCount
  • PageFaults
  • PageFileUsage
  • ParentProcessId
  • PeakPageFileUsage
  • PeakVirtualSize
  • PeakWorkingSetSize
  • Priority
  • PrivatePageCount
  • ProcessId
  • QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage
  • QuotaPagedPoolUsage
  • QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage
  • QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage
  • ReadOperationCount
  • ReadTransferCount
  • SessionId
  • Status
  • TerminationDate
  • ThreadCount
  • UserModeTime
  • VirtualSize
  • WindowsVersion
  • WorkingSetSize
  • WriteOperationCount
  • WriteTransferCount


Posted 2015-11-22T13:14:03.890

Reputation: 1 394

2NICE!!! I love WMIC. It's what a whole lot of expensive 3rd party stuff is based on. Thanks a ton for taking the time to post both the question and a great complete answer. – Jeff Moden – 2018-09-25T21:17:39.163


You can't see the command line in Task Manager. You can however use a third-party task manager program like Process Explorer or Process Hacker to view the command line.

Open the properties dialog of the process in order to view the command line. In the case of Process Hacker, you can even add a column for the command line so that you don't have to open the properties dialogue box.

Alex Essilfie

Posted 2015-11-22T13:14:03.890

Reputation: 1 173

1You can see the command line in Task Manager: go to View > Select Columns... and tick the box for Command Line. You can then re-organize the columns by dragging the column headers. However, like my questions says, it is truncated if it is really long, like for java processes with long classpaths – qwertzguy – 2015-11-22T13:44:24.697

@qwertzguy: Sorry, I must have missed that. My answer still holds though. You'll have to resort to third-party software in order to achieve your desired result. – Alex Essilfie – 2015-11-22T19:42:42.180

Actually this was a question that I answered myself. I just posted it to document it for other people. You can see my answer for how to achieve the desired result without the need of third-party software. – qwertzguy – 2015-11-23T14:11:00.163