I have bluetooth headphones synced and playing music from my windows 10 laptop without any problems.
How can I make it possible to pause/play, skip track, previous track controls on the headphones working with windows 10?
I am pretty sure this could/should work as my keyboard is bluetooth and all the controls on that work without problems.
I wonder, if there any way to catch bluetooth singles send with autohotkey?
works here on Windows 10, 64 bit, one can even control web players like YouTube with an extension like this one: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/streamkeys/ekpipjofdicppbepocohdlgenahaneen
– escalator – 2017-04-18T09:01:42.887it's called human device services. Also for powerusers, just run services.msc ... – user2305193 – 2019-04-20T14:39:08.667