Sometimes I cannot connect to my RDP (like now)


I am cannot connect to my RDP. I see a message "This computer can't connect to the remote computer".

The server is working. All the services are working. But I just cannot connect by remote desktop.

Sometimes it is happened. And I need to reboot. But I don't want to reboot.

What should I do?

There are 2 opened sessions for Administartor Account in idle state. How can I log to those open RDP sessions

I tried:

mstsc /v:myip /console


mstsc /v:myip /admin

And it didn't help.

Aminadav Glickshtein

Posted 2015-11-15T11:16:27.137

Reputation: 396



Microsoft thinking that the session are active, and 2008 r2 limited to 2 active session.

So, Just need to see the session:


And the disconnect the active sessions:

tsdiscon {{sessionName || SessionID}

Now the problem is that you (me), cannot access the remote computer to run the commands, so you need to search a way to run it.

I for example pushed a nodejs project and run the commands using


Aminadav Glickshtein

Posted 2015-11-15T11:16:27.137

Reputation: 396