How do I open an EPS file in GIMP 2? "Could not interpret PostScript file"



I've created some EPS files in GIMP 2, but I can't open them back up. When I try, the "Import from PostScript" dialog comes up, but no matter what I do, when I proceed I get an error "could not interpret PostScript file".

I'm using Windows 7 x64/64-bit and GIMP 2.8.14, also x64/64-bit.


Posted 2015-10-19T17:25:06.187

Reputation: 2 185



Per the GIMP EPS bug report on GNOME Bugzilla, you'll have to install Ghostscript (if you haven't done so already), then replace a DLL in GIMP with one from Ghostscript.

  1. Install Ghostscript from the Ghostscript download page. Be sure to get the 64 bit version.
  2. If GIMP is open, close it.
  3. From the Ghostscript bin folder (C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.18\bin for me; your version number may be different), copy the gsdll64.dll file to the GIMP bin folder (C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\ for me).
  4. In the GIMP bin folder, rename libgs-8.dll to libgs-8.dll.backup. You can revert back to this file in case something goes wrong.
  5. Then, rename gsdll64.dll to libgs-8.dll.

The next time you run GIMP and open/import an EPS file, after the "Import from PostScript" dialog, the file will open as usual. =)



Posted 2015-10-19T17:25:06.187

Reputation: 2 185

3I vastly prefer the following approach: Do steps 1 and 2 above, then 3. Control panel => System => Advanced System settings and create an environment variable GS_PROG=C:\Program Files\gs<ghostscriptversion>\bin\gswin64.exe - and finally 4. restart Gimp. The file should now open fine. I prefer this approach because there is no "messing with gimp" keeping ghostscript and gimp entirely independent; which means gimp can be cleanly upgraded without having to remember to redo the exercise each time as you would have to with the above approach – Pancho – 2017-07-10T09:35:13.200

@Pancho - I agree, a cleaner approach, but keep in mind you might have to update this environment variable if you update your ghost script version :-). – Tim Harker – 2019-04-25T22:41:49.183

@TimHarker - 100% . If this is of concern to you then you could remove the version specific component of the ghost writer path when installing / upgrading eg. C:\gw\ which would mean the environment variable would not be affected and would thus not need to be changed. – Pancho – 2019-04-26T05:42:53.323