Manually Add Program to Open With in Windows 10



I have a standalone version of IrfanView (x64) and want it to appear in the Open With menu for all image files. I do not want it to be the default program however. For some reason no matter what I do, it doesn't want to enter this list. It doesn't even appear in the 'more apps' menu after clicking Open With. Here are the things I tried (in no particular order):

  • Opening the file with IrfanView
  • Assigning IrfanView as the default application and then re-assigning the previous app
  • Following the instructions here: Add items to the "Open with" list in Windows 8 (the relevant registry key already exists!)
  • Downloading Default Programs Editor (it doesn't seem to have this option, and I don't want to add an "Edit with IrfanView" shell option)
  • Following the instructions here: (the problem is that the site hosting the relevant app appears to be permanently down)


Posted 2015-10-04T09:25:02.790

Reputation: 1 095



I think you should retry Default Programs Editor.

Don't click on "Context Menu" but rather on the option at the bottom - "Change'Open with' programs":

enter image description here

and then:

enter image description here

You may need to restart you computer for changes to appear.


Posted 2015-10-04T09:25:02.790

Reputation: 175

It worked, no idea how I missed that link at the bottom. – Ynhockey – 2015-10-07T11:49:07.050

1Strange issue: all three programs I want actually show up in there, but Windows itself only shows 2 of them, no matter what I do... – Nyerguds – 2016-02-08T09:24:10.030


@Nyerguds: That seems to be a bug of Windows 10. See this answer how to solve the problem.

– Robert – 2017-10-06T20:36:25.657


Another excellent tool is OpenWithView, by Nir Sofer.

It is very much worth checking his other free tools.

sancho.s Reinstate Monica

Posted 2015-10-04T09:25:02.790

Reputation: 2 404


I ran into a special case that required some alternate steps and wanted to share it in the likelihood that someone else runs into the same problem:

So I wanted to fix Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 not appearing in the initial Open With list for .sln files; only 2017 and 2010 (the later of which has never even been installed on this machine). Imagine my frustration when, according to Default Programs Editor, everything I want is already in the list.

And they in fact were already in .sln's OpenWithProgids, but it turns out MS invented a new AllowSilentDefaultTakeOver registry value for file classes in Windows 8 that maybe does a few things, but among them seems to be preventing a program from showing up in the initial Open With list; because as soon as I removed the AllowSilentDefaultTakeOver value from the VisualStudio.sln.12.0 and VisualStudio.sln.14.0 keys under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 finally showed up.

And just to be sure, I added AllowSilentDefaultTakeOver to the useless Visual Studio 2010 class, and lo, it disappeared from the Open With list!

So, if it seems like you've tried everything to get a program to appear in a file type's Open With list and it's just not working, look for an AllowSilentDefaultTakeOver value in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\[program's file type ProgID]. (Though, realistically, you'll probably only see this on older versions of Microsoft programs when you also have a newer version installed.)

Kyle Fiegener

Posted 2015-10-04T09:25:02.790

Reputation: 56

I had the same issue of only 2010 and 2017 showing up and trying everything to get 2015 to show up. I removed the "AllowSilentDefaultTakeOver" from the "VisualStudio.sln.14.0" classes and finally the 2015 open shows. Thanks! – TomZomW – 2018-07-10T15:07:35.113