Settings app options don't appear in search results on win10


When using search (by pressing the win button and writing my query) I don't seems to get results from the settings (the one with the gray background):

Settings app

For example, if I search for mouse I get the control panel Mouse settings:

Search results for mouse

But if I search for windows update or bluetooth I don't get any results:

search results for windows update

Searh results for bluetooth

Meanwhile, searching for cortana settings (which shows directly in the search window) seems to be fine:

Search results for cortana

I have rebuilt my index but it does not seem to have changed anything. It currently looks like this:

Search index

Anyone have any tips on how to fix it?

Filipe Silva

Posted 2015-08-04T09:01:05.440

Reputation: 183

I'm hitting this same issue on a laptop I installed with Win 10 from scratch (not an upgrade). None of the Control Panel settings are searchable from the Start Menu or the Settings app search bar.

I have to go directly into Control Panel if I want to search for them.

It's probably even worse since "Mouse" doesn't even show up for me. Indexing is complete and enabled on all of C:\ drive. – HSuke – 2015-10-30T16:03:40.770

Well, this started working for me 3 hours after my last comment. I did a dozen things trying to solve this issue, most noticeably:

  1. I unchecked "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties". Hit apply. I didn't wait for this to complete. Pressed cancel, checked it again and hit apply. Let it run until completion (~10 minutes).

  2. I disabled all Cortana settings (Probably not related)

  3. Afterwards, I rebooted my computer. Checked again after the reboot, still broken.

  4. Checked again 3 hours later. Now all control panel items are searchable.

  5. < – HSuke – 2015-10-30T19:42:07.830

I tried unchecking/apply/rechecking/apply and a day after I don't see the settings in search. Will keep checking periodically to see if that changes. – Filipe Silva – 2015-11-01T10:59:42.867

A question though, were the settings you weren't seeing stuff only from the control panel (like network and settings center and mouse) or also things from the settings app (like windows update)?

Can you see windows update in search at the moment? – Filipe Silva – 2015-11-01T11:02:09.603

It was everything in the control panel, including Windows update. Everything (+ Windows Update) is showing up now. – HSuke – 2015-11-01T15:25:42.280

Doesn't seem to have worked for me so far then. Damn. Thanks though. – Filipe Silva – 2015-11-02T15:44:50.670



Updating to Threshold 2 (Windows 10 November update) seems to have fixed it.

Filipe Silva

Posted 2015-08-04T09:01:05.440

Reputation: 183


This seems to be a common problem for people with SSDs. For some people reubilding the index works, but seeing as it did not work for you, try this:

  1. Go to This PC and right click on whichever drive Windows is installed on. We will assume C:\
  2. Right click and choose properties
  3. At the bottom of the "General" tab, make sure Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties is checked.

Also make sure under Modify, then C:\ -->Users that all the users are selected:

It's possible somehow your user got de-selected.

Source: Windows 8.1 Search not finding Control Panel Settings

Note that answer 2 from the source will not work on Windows 10.


Posted 2015-08-04T09:01:05.440

Reputation: 2 599

I checked, and the disk where windows is installed does have that tickbox checked. On indexing, modify, I could also see my user selected.

It's worth mentioning that control panel settings do appear (like display settings) - only things specific to the 'Settings' app do not (such as windows update) – Filipe Silva – 2015-09-27T01:47:49.547

Hmm. Just confirm for me typing what I did here produces nothing?

– Insane – 2015-09-27T01:51:30.010

Correct, this is my result for the same query.

– Filipe Silva – 2015-09-27T12:39:06.287

Didn't work for me. I have the same issue as Red – HSuke – 2015-10-30T16:04:54.697

A solution that seems to work for most people has been posted here:

– Wouter – 2017-02-23T16:50:54.450